Time to find a hero killer.


Sero got paired with a lesser known hero for his work study, but he didn't mind. Any hero was perfectly fine with him. The agency he was working with was located in Hosu, a few blocks away from the one Iida was working at.

Before he had left, Uraraka had come up to him and asked him to watch out for Iida while in the city. The class had just heard about what happened to his brother and they were all worried. Sero explained that they would be at different agencies and therefore probably wouldn't see much of each other, but promised to do his best anyways. She had smiled gratefully at him.

Sero and the pro he was working with were just about to finish with their patrol for the night when it started. There were crashes and screams, civilians running in every direction. He just barely caught sight of creatures that resembled the thing Shigaraki had attacked his class with, when his mentor told him to get back to the agency. He wasn't allowed to use his quirk, so he had to go back where it was safe and alert the other pro heroes.

He nodded and took off in the direction of the agency. He wasn't an idiot, he knew he'd be nothing but a distraction and liability in the field. That didn't stop him from helping a few civilians on his way though.

He was so close to his agency, almost making it back, but a shout from an alley to his left caught his attention. It sounded suspiciously like...


Sero recognized his hero costume. The other boy was on the ground, not moving a muscle, another pro hero motionless against the wall. If it wasn't for Iida's yelling, Sero would have thought he was dead.

He was shouting at.... Oh god, he was yelling at Stain. Sero silently cursed himself for not looking out for the other teen enough. Maybe he could have prevented whatever was happening.

Sero watched as Stain lifted his blade. He was going to bring it down and deliver a fatal blow.
Without a second thought, Sero sent his tape hurtling at Iida. It wrapped around his ankle and Sero pulled with all his might, managing to drag the teen clad in heavy armor just a few feet, but it was enough. Stain's blade hit nothing but concrete.

"Sero?!" Iida exclaimed. "What're you doing here? You need to run! This isn't your fight."

Sero disregarded everything he'd just said, but noticed that he still didn't move anything but his mouth and eyes. Maybe it was Stain's quirk? It was keeping him from having control over his limbs? Sero wasn't sure. Not for the first time, he wished he had Izuku's skills of analysis.

Before he made another move, he discretely grabbed his phone. He was sending his location to everyone in his class, hoping one of them would realize he was in danger and needed help.

Once he was sure it was sent, he got ready to face one of the most dangerous villains in Japan.

The battle went on for no more than ten minutes. Even with all his training with Izuku, Sero was no match for the hero killer and his paralyzing quirk. Something to do with blood.

Sero thought he was a goner, on the ground and unable to move, but before Stain could even get close to him, ice was shooting from the end of the alley, pushing back against Stain's advances.

"You should really give more details than just a location next time," Todoroki chastised as he entered the scene. He took in the sight of Sero, Iida, and Native, all unable to move. "What did you get yourselves into?"

So it turns out, even with the help of Todoroki and Stain's quirk eventually wearing off, they were still no match for him. They were losing badly. Sero knew it was just a matter of time before they were all unmoving lumps on the ground again.

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