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next morning

Chris pov:

Why did I let them stay the night I hate the fact that they try everything it takes to hang out with Lou like they are  almost ten years older than him. Why Lou? Why not literally anyone else why?


It was the last week of high school I had hangout a lot with Harry,Edward,Marcel,Greg and Liam. I was living the best life I ever had. I just got a little too carried away with partying and weed. We were at this party I was really drunk and high, at the time I had questioned my sexuality a lot after hearing that lot of my friends were bisexuals. I tried to hook up with Harry but he turned me down I was so embarrassed. Like why did he turn me down in front of everyone?

Well Harry didn't even bring it up once and I started to drinking and smoking weed almost everyday I was drunk and high at school and even my friends didn't want to be with me at time. When I was walking literally everywhere people were whispering about me and the fact that Harry didn't want me and that I was really fucked up by all the partying and stuff.

At some point it got so bad and my father send me to boarding school for awhile. Well it helped with the partying but not with the broken heart Harry gave me and that people were laughing at me because of my broken heart. I never told anyone the real reason why I changed to boarding school I just told everyone it was because my father owned it well it was only the part of the reason I went there.

When I started police school and got paired with Edward my heart was still broken because none of them even once asked how I was except Greg. I moved to America because I couldn't be near them every fucking day it hurt so much.They were like nothing happened but still so distance from me probably because they didn't want to be with the fucked up kid. Greg was only one who cared about me when I was at my lowest. 

end of flashback

''Morning Chris'' Louis and the boys greeted. ''Hi'' I mumbled back. ''We are going out for breakfast want to join?'' Niall asked. ''No, thank you for asking'' I faked a smile.

Louis pov:

After we ate breakfast we went to the Styles' penthouse for a swim. Yeah they have a fucking swimming pool in their home. Well I was supposed to borrow their swim trunks but they were far too big so I went with my boxers. Thank god I didn't put my panties on last night.

When I got in the pool Niall was already there and splashed water on me I acssidentally squealed little too loud because not even a minute later three hot boys were running to the room. ''What happened Lou are you okay'', Harry yelled. ''Yeah,yeah I'm fine Niall just splashed water on me and it's cold'' I pouted. ''Niall don't you dare ever again to splash water on Lou or we'll kill you'' Edward glared at Niall. Niall started laughing hard and almost drowned himself. ''Are you okay Louis do you want me to turn the pool water warmer?'' Marcy asked. ''I'm fine but could someone carry me to the water so it wouldn't feel so cold'' I pleaded. ''Of course'' Harry said and scooped me while going in to the water.

After a while I got out of Harry's grip and started messing around the pool. When we got enough me and Niall started running around the pool for warming up. ''Don't run around the pool it's not safe'' Edward yelled we stopped running and got dressed up . We ate lunch and watched a movie before they drove me and Niall back home. They kissed me goodbye before me and Niall went to Niall's play fifa.


a/n: so what do you think about that it was just a filler but I wanted to write about Chris past and why he is how he is. And HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR YOU ALL!!

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