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Harrys pov:
"We can't leave him there, it's not safe Edward" Harry wined after leaving Louis. "That's no can do darling we can't just take him" Edward told me. "But it's him" I said. "I know baby I feel the same".
When we got home we were met with angry Marcel. "What's wrong Marcie?" I asked. "It's Louis " Marcel stated. "What did he do?" Edward demanded. "He smoked weed with his friend Nick at school's property" Marcel said while being disappointed. "He did what!" Edward yelled he got mad that moment. "Stop yelling Eddie it's not like we didn't do that ever" I yelled back. "Harry it's not fucking okay for him he's so small and at schools property" Edward yelled me back. "It's Louis decision and we can't control anything he does at least yet" Marcel sighed. "I don't want us to fight over this" I said. Edward just ran out of door without saying anything. "It's going to be okay Harry he will come back soon, he's probably just running while he handles everything it's been a rough day for him" Marcel told me while rubbing my back soothingly. "I know" I sighed.
Next day
Louis pov:
I finally woke up in time so I didn't have to rush. When I was ready and started walking to school black Audi RS e-tron GT stopped by me and I was very confused because none of my friends had it. The window rolled down and behind the window was very hot looking Harry, I was amused by his look. "Hey darling" Harry greeted. "Um hi Harry" Louis said shyly. "Wanna ride for school" he asked. "I'm fine with walking, thanks" I answered. "Oh don't be silly the school is on my way, come on hop in" Harry said while opening the door for me. "Thanks Harry" Louis said while blushing. "So how are you?" Harry asked carefully. "Yeah I'm fine thanks, how about you?"Louis answered. "Yeah I'm fine thanks" Harry said. We did small talk the whole ride when I was about to go out Harry handed me his phone. "Write your number there and I'll text you later" Harry told me. "Mm okay" I said while typing my number. "Bye Lou" Harry said. "Thanks Harry" I said and left the car. Harry waited a few minutes before he speed off the school parking lot.
When I went inside the school one of my bullies Jax beat me in the school toilet. It hurt like a shit but I ran in to my biology class I was just in time before the class door was closed. I went to the back of the class. Nick wasn't in the same class so I was alone there trying to pay attention but I couldn't get the way Harry looked today out of my head.
It's lunch and I haven't seen Nick in the whole day but he probably had some basketball things I guess. I'm just going to the toilets to spend my lunch so I won't get in to more trouble. Well when I'm about to reach the toilets I saw the bag door and I felt like I needed to cigarette so I went behind the school to smoke. When I lightened the cig I felt so good to take it in my lungs. After a while I saw the three gods walking through the door. When they noticed me they all looked so disappointed. "Louis what the hell do you think you are doing with that!?" Edward yelled. "Can't you see that I'm trying to relax and no Marcel it's not weed" I argued. "Put it down now Lou, please" Harry pleaded. "It's not like you are my parents so I can do whatever I want" I sassed. "Well if you don't put it back I'll put it for you" Edward said while furiously stomped over the cigarette. "What the fuck is wrong with you guys that was my last one" I said madly. "It's just because we care about you" Marcel said. I was confused why would they if even my parents don't. "I'm glad it was your last one and be sure not to get more those or weed your body doesn't need that" Edward stated. "Now let's go inside before your next class" Harry said. "Nah I'm good I'm just going to wait until Nick comes here" I told them. "No you won't because his practice doesn't finish until evening" Marcel said. "So you are now coming with us or we will carry you inside" Edward said. They walked me to my next class and left after a while.
The rest of the day went fine until I got home from school  and got hit in the eye because my parents saw my cast and told me that I would have to pay the bill because they didn't know that the boys already paid it for me.

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