this is the part where you run part 3✔️

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"Well, as best as I can reason, either I've lost my mind or werewolves are real."

"Th-This is beyond insane." "How is that even possible?" Landon asked Hope, Stef and Ric.

"let jus say that It's a long story, involving an ancient, vengeful witch and a bloodline curse."Stefanie and Hope sayin unison.  "We cover all that in Origins of the Species, grade six." Hope adds on

"In sixth grade at my school, we learned the state capitals." Landon says

"We teach that, too." Hope says with a small Laugh.

"I have some questions about Rafael" Dr.Saltzman says to Landon

"Like what?" Landon questioned

"Well, let's start with who he killed recently"Dr.Saltzman says

"Landon looked shocked that he had asked him that." Landon then looked at Lexi and Hope looking for a sign that Mr. Saltzman was just kidding.

with Lizzie and Josie

"Everybody gets along with everybody here, for the most part."

"The wolves are pretty cliquey."

"They like to hang with their own." while saying this out loud Lizzie and Josie are thinking unless your Hope Mikealson.

"In defiance of the school's commitment to inclusiveness." "That is why we volunteered to be your tour guides." "To give you a good witch welcome before your hairier brethren corrupt you."

"That is our librarian, Mr. Williams." Lizzie says

"He's subbing for our Chemistry of Magic teacher who accidentally incinerated himself last week in hellfire" Josie explains to Rafe.

"Burned all the hair off his body, but didn't leave a scar" the two girl tell him in unison

"All right."

"Now, this language has been carefully crafted over centuries." "So you may think you can play fast and loose with the syllables, but you'd be very wrong about that." "Because otherwise, a love charm becomes a what?" Penelope, show us.

"She who shall not be named." "Talking about her gives her power" Lizzie tells Rafi

"Who are you talking about?" Rafi questioned

"Josie's evil ex."

Penelope does the spell.

"That's right...a stink spell" Mr. William says.

"Come on." "We'll show you the turret. It's where the seniors go to smoke."

"What do they smoke, eye of newt?"


with Stefine , Hope , Landon and Alaric

After Landon recover from shook. "Why would you ask me that?" he questioned while looking at Hope and Lexi. who looked away.

"well Landon you see" Stef stared. "The werewolf gene lies dormant until the carrier takes a human life" Hope finished expelling to Landon

"If Rafael triggered his curse, it's... because he killed someone."

"And we don't accept coldblooded killers into our program" Alaric explnes to Landon

"He's not a killer" Landon deadpanned

"We're not trying..."Lexi and Hope stared to say in unison but were rudely cut off.

"He's not... a killer."

"Well, I know a little bit about his background. Neglectful birth parents."

"Orphaned in adolescence."

"Prone to fits of anger." "Yeah, you could just as easily be reading my file..."

"That's what it's like out there for people like him and us" Hope says while Lexi is nodding in agreement

"Landon, I know this is a lot to take in right now, but we're only trying to help."

"I've been going here since I was seven and Stef was basically born here." "thanks Hope for giving him that mentall image" Lexi sacally says. Hope ignore her best friend and counions to talk to Landon

"This is a safe place for people like Rafael."

"It's a home" Stef says with a small smile

"But... if we take him in, we need to make sure that he is not a threat" Ric tells Landon

"His girlfriend... [SIGHS] Cassie Landon tells them with a sad Experian on hie face"

"Last month... he was driving, there was a storm, he took a turn too fast." "And then he started acting out." "At first I thought it was just grief." "And then maybe... maybe drugs or something." "And then he threw a -pound lawnmower feet across the yard." "That was when our foster parents called in the priest." "I guess they thought he was possessed by the devil" Landon explains to Hope, Lexi and Mr. Saltzman.

"All of that is... consistent with a newly triggered wolf."

"It's normal."

"Thank you for that, Landon."


"Everything's gonna be okay." "we promise" Hope and Stefanie tell Landon.

"We're ready."

"Landon Kirby, Milton Greasley."

"Come on, Dr. Saltzman."

"Right. MG. I'm sorry." "Take it from a guy named Alaric."

"I get it. Landon, MG is my student aide." "He's also a vampire" Dr. Saltzman tells Landon.

"Of course he is."

"You know, for a school with a secret to keep, you're kind of liberal with your information"Landon says

"Well, we don't actually intend for you to remember any of it" Lexi explains with a frown.

after Lexi said that MG tried to compel Landon

"Forget everything you've seen or learned since last night." "All you need to know is that your friend has found a home where he can live a better life." "You'll miss him." "But you know it's for the best." MG said trying to compel Landon.

"Are you three out of your minds?" Landon questioned Hope, Stefanie and MG.

"How could I forget any of this?"

"MG, did you do it wrong?" the Mikealson tribrid question MG

"No, I didn't do it wrong." "It's the easiest vampire trick in the book."

"Well, it didn't work Lexi said almost like a question"

"Obviously, it didn't work."

"Careful." "Get him to the cellar ."

"This is not good." "This is bad."

werewolf transition cells

"Landon" Hope and Stefanie calls out

"Hope, Stef" Landon replies

"Can you get me out of here?" Landon questions

"Not yet." "But you're not a prisoner here, we swear."

"I'm in a witch dungeon."

"actually" Lexi starts "It's a werewolf transition space" Hope finishes off what Lexi was saying.

"Super." "I'm not so good with,you know... small spaces."

"We won't keep you here long."

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