some facts about Stefanie ✔️

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When Bonnie saved the world and woke Elena up she didn't do it on her own. Stefanie helped her.

Stefanie has her own magic.

for some unknown reason Stefanie somehow witnessed Stefan burning and dying in hellfire.   

Hope and Stefanie are best friends.

Stefanie was there throw out the hollow problem.

She was there when Haliey died.

The Mikealson even gave Stefanie a Mikealson Crest necklace.

Hailey treated Stefanie like she was her own daughter.

She knows about the merge. And both Ric and Care know that it will be Lizzie and Josie doing it.

Penelope dated Josie but saw the way that she treated Stefanie. And was not happy about

Penelope and Stefanie are BFFs

MG and Stefanie are BFFs

Out of the three girls Stefanie was the closest to Stefan

Ric and Care tried to think of a way to name her after Damon. But couldn't think of a name that was appropriate. So they named her after Stefan and his best friend Lexi.

Hope and Stefanie are like sister.

When Hope jumps into the Malavores pit. For some reason she is the only one to remember. (She might be part angle 🤫)

Stefanie was trained like a Bennett witch. By Bonnie.

Penelope sometimes calls Stefanie little star. Just to get on Lizzie and Josie nerves. Stef doesn't mind but her sister do.

Stef is the youngest out of the three of the girls.

since Stef is part Angel she can see, hear and communicate with ghost. who want to be seen or heard. this will make more senses later on.

Hope and Stef are platonic Soul mates ( like Meredith Gray and Cristina Yang)

Stefanie is an Honnery Mikealson

when Hope is in wolf form she is very protective of Stefine. not only that but Stefine is able to be around her when she shift because Hope will not hurt her.

Stefanie first word was Dad towards Stefan when she was 12 month old

I'm change the story line just a little bit. So instead of Josie sacrificing her happiness for Lizzie. It will be Stefanie sacrificing her happiness for both Lizzie and Josie.

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