chapter 3

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I was packing all my stuff into boxes to move back again.

I really hated this whole routine, thank god I had some help from a friend here.
Amira, she really has been there to help me for a bit, she's actually loving with me to London because she, like me, hates America.

She packed already I don't know how she did it that quick. Something about guys helping her out, yeah she's a charmer. She gets everything and anything she wants.
I'd take advantage of that if I looked as pretty as her, but I don't so we keep it clear.

"And done" I heard her say as she wrapped it in sticky tape.


"I thought we still had the-" she cut me off mid sentence for her to say

"the guys, remember did you not hear me? I hope as he'll you aren't thinking about... j- j- what was it. Jackass. Yeah him"

She made me laugh though that joke wasn't funny but everything she says is just funny.
The girl has an explicit accent, Arab mixed with French.
It's literally the most cutest accent mix you could possibly think of.

Everything about her is literally perfect.

Amira Taha.
The perfect girl that everyone wanted.

I was nothing compared to her...

I was nothing,

Compared to her.

I'moving back to London today, yay I guess.


Time skip

I moved back to my original apartment, when I used to live with him.
It's the cheapest, easiest and best looking apartment I've ever come across so why not?

The kitchen was exactly the same, so was everything else.
The furniture was still in place. I wonder why no one took them, maybe no one bought the house.

"Albi, babes I'm going to go get coffee for a celebration of us moving in togather, want to come?"

She talks so sweet.

"Yeah, hold on"

We went to the one coffee shop I was trying to avoid.
Just because she liked the name of it.

Platinum Cafe

There's no possibility I'll run into him, not at all.
He's probably with other girls right now.

Probably a few.

I took a deep breathe, Amira walked in first whilst I walked behind.

Who's the first person I see?

Of course.

The man himself,

The one I tried avoiding for a few years,

Tried taking him off my mind,


All the reasons I write...And more Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora