When you break up with them

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Will sleep more

Will think that he should have spent more time with you

Will wonder what he did wrong

He will not eat as much as he used to

He will be harder on his class


He will take his anger out on everyone

Blames himself for whatever happened

He secretly cries himself to sleep

Will sleep with something that reminds him of you

Will not look at you while in and out of class

Trains harder

Will cause scaring on his palms from the explosions he makes


He will literally go and burn something

Since he cant cry he will cry blood

Is more violent on missions

He often stands more in the shadows.

Will be quiet about whats wrong and will snap at anyone that asks whats up

Often will end up breaking a mirror or two after glaring at his reflection for a while.


Tries to play it off

Secretly is crying inside

Accidently electrocutes himself if he cried.

Asks Jirou what he did wrong

Will try to keep a smile on his face until he sees you.


Runs slower

His eyes are normally bloodshot for the first day or two because crying

Doesnt holler at people for breaking the rules

He will seek help from his older brother about what has happened

He will keep his head down in class


Flies around at night to keep his mind off of things

His wings will be drooping when he walks around and talks to people

His eyeliner will be smudged from crying

He doesnt smile like he normally would

He does not joke around with anyone

His laugh will be quiet and forced


His hair will be messily put styled

He doesnt smile as brightly as he used to

He will seek out help from his friends about what to do

Cries into his pillow at night

His shoulders will be slumped forwards and his head will not be held as high.

He will constantly have a little bit of his quirk activated because he is heartbroken and doesnt wanna get hurt

Eyes are normally bloodshot and eyeliner smudged

Will not look you in the eyes


Cries openly

Tears up when he sees you

Will write about it in one of his journals

His mother will make hime his favorite meal to cheer him up

His cheeks will be a little red because of him whipping his tears away.

Shoulders will be slumped

He will use more of his quirk than he should because he couldnt focus


Will listen to sad music

His accuracy with his tape will be slightly off

Eyes will be red

His smile would be small

Wouldnt joke around with his friends

Stays in his dorm more


Scratched harder, causing blood

Will dust anything and everything

Causes more violence around the city

Does not follow All For Ones orders


Snaps easily


Cant control his quirk well

Misses your touch

Loses sleep

Cries not to cry but does when hes alone with his thoughts

Will spend his time staring off into space deep in thought

Will wonder what he did wrong

Asks Aizawa for advice

The bags under his eyes will worsen

Will eat less


Will wear his mask constantly

His arms will droop to his sides

His hair will cover his eyes, trying to his the redness

Will hug the pillow you used to use when you would come over

His mask would have tear stains

Barley say a word to anyone


Is completely quiet

Hides in a corner even when he is alone

His voice gets quieter

He doesnt eat as much as he should

He has breakdowns often

His friends try to comfort him

He gets more anxious

I will tear up at the mention of your name


Completely heartbroken

Will not harden into steel as fast as he should

Exercises more

Talks to his friends about it

His eyes will be dull and he doesnt smile as much

Voice is quiet and doesnt talk much

Glad his eyes cant really get bloodshot

I will stay up at night remembering the memories you guys shared


Will be colder

Eyes dull

Keeps his gaze down

Doesnt pay attention in class

Losses control of his quirk while training

Accidently gives himself frostbite or burns

Eats less

Asks for advice from his mom

his dad credit card

He will Sleep more

Ignores his friends and family if they ask if something is wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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