Preceding events

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3rd POV: juggernaut was causing mayhem, destroying vehicles and buildings, cops in hulkbuster armour were there attempting to apprehend him but due to the juggernauts superior strength, he was able to overpower them and leave them crippled. Juggernaut grabbed a police hulkbuster and tore the head off revealing the terrified person who controlled it and ripped him out of it. Juggernaut then dropped him and was prepared to slam his boot on the begging officers head-

Until he was tackled from behind and then tossed further down the street and smashed face first into the ground. Yelling in anger, juggernaut quickly stood up and turned to who threw him and was met with the smug grin of red she hulk.

Red she hulk: (smug) hey Marco, how's the ground taste?

Juggernaut: (growls) if it isn't the bitch who's fucking that shitty spider.

Red she hulk: (frowns) I'd think twice before saying something like that in my presence Marco, (eyes glow) or I'm gonna bust you up in the worst way possible.

Juggernaut: (laughs) you shut me up?! That's funny! (Evil smile) but then again, you could probably shut me up through other methods~~

Red she hulk glares and Clenthes her fists.

Red she hulk: you seriously think that I'm like that whore huh? (Starts walking) I'm going to enjoy tearing you apart.

Juggernaut: HA! Do you know who I am?! IM THE JUGGERNAUT BI- UGH!!!!

Juggernaut was interrupted by Red she hulk dashing towards Marco and sending a powerful right fist across his protected face, making him skid across the road. Red she hulk turns to the remnants of the cops who were in damaged hulkbuster armour.

Red she hulk: leave this one to me, keep everyone away from here.

The cops nodded, not having much of a choice with the state they were in.

Red she hulk turned around and narrowly dodged a punch from the Juggernaut and backtracks to provide herself some distance from the bulky mutant and raised her arms up, fists clenched. Juggernaut charged at Betty and tossed another punch that was intercepted by the female Red hulk by blocking it with her arm and punching the Juggernaut in stomach, making him recoil slightly from the attack. This gave Betty the opportunity to land a couple punches around his chest, right when she was about to connect another one, Marco grabbed her arm and slammed her into the ground and got on top of her and began throwing punch after punch at Red she hulk, who raised her arms in an x motion to block the hits.

Marco then raised his left foot planning to stomp on her however Betty, was able to grab it in time and attempt to push it away. A brief struggle occurred with both of them attempting to overpower the other.

Juggernaut: (grunts) you can't win bitch! No matter how much you hit me, it will only sting.

Red she hulk: then I'll just have to hit you harder then!!

Red she hulk shoved marco's foot away, making the juggernaut stumble, trying to regain his balance. Betty saw the opportunity and kicked him right in the balls.

It was at this point that every man in the vicinity of the battle either moved their hands to their genitals or attempted to inconspicuously do it.

Juggernaut had both hands on his genitals and let out a whimper before staring at the now standing and smirking Red she hulk.

Juggernaut: WHY?!?!?!?!

Red she hulk: oh what's the matter Marco? I thought you were the Juggernaut bitch.

Marco growled and began yelling.

Juggernaut: when I'm through with you, I'm gonna enjoy killing that fucking spider!

I Am The SUPERIOR Spiderman (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz