Old/new faces and new problems.

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3rd POV:


Silver sable was in a word, dissapointed.

She had recently been watching the news as the heroes of new York were taking another beating by the villains her beloved had dealt with on numerous occasions. She had been keeping tabs on the city when spiderman suddenly disappeared and crime rose to an all new high. She desperately wanted to leave and try to find the spider but she had duties as the Queen of symkaria and could not just up and leave them.

She was about to shut the TV she was using off when an explosion of yellow electricity smashed into the ground. When the smoke cleared, she gasped as it revealed her beloved in all his glory. She watched in rapt attention as he slayed everything and everyone in his path with his allies. She couldn't help but smile to herself, her beloved was back. Right when he slayed osborn, she decided that her duties could wait. Getting up from where she was sitting, silver sable grabbed her phone and made a call for a her personal helicopter.

Her destination, New York City.

(With Jean grey)

After the whole spiderman fiasco, the avengers, xmen and fantastic four returned back to the avengers Tower for some R&R, each and everyone's thoughts on what just happened, some voiced theirs.

Hawkeye: who the fuck did that bug think he was?!

Cyclops: him? Superior? HA! How humorous, he's pathetic, always has, always will be.

Iron man: who the hell did he think he was talking to?!

Captain marvel: oh shut the fuck up stark!

Wolverine goes to the bar and grabs a beer before downing it.

Wolverine: bub's changed a lot.

Spider woman: (quietly) what happened to you spider?

While everyone was conversing, Jean was trying to stay calm as the pbeonix was currently raging in her mind.

Jean (mentally) would you calm down?! Why do you care so much about who spiderman kissed?!

Pheonix: be silent child! Don't act like you're not jealous, afterall you've been thinking about the time he kissed you all those years ago!

Jean said nothing to that, it was true as that was the only time she felt the love from a kiss from anyone.

Pheonix: that red skinned slut thinks she could take away MY Anansi?! I'll show her- NO!!! WE will show her!!

Jean suddenly had a bad feeling and it started right when her pheomix attire changed from green to red, the power of the cosmic bird Turing darker. Before Jean could yell at anyone about her about to fall to the dark side, the pheonix spoke.

Pheonix: don't bother telling them my dear, besides you should know that you haven't fallen to the dark influence of my power because I will it to be. Now child, listen well. Don't you want to have someone to actually love you? We both know that the summers boy will do no such thing with the way he's acted.

Jean glanced at cyclops to see him loudly boasting how superior mutant kind were and that spiderman was inferior, hearing that made her slightly angry, and she was DEFINITELY sure that emotion came from her, not the pheonix.

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