Truth or Dare Pt 5

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This was originally written for Contestshipping day, so beware. There's a lot of Contestshipping.

In the hosts room:

Hazel: *using the intercom system* Can everyone report to the main room? I repeat, can everyone report to the main room.

In the main room:

Serena: What's wrong with Vienna?

Hazel: She's just really excited.

May: Why is she excited?

Hazel: You will see. Vienna, are you finally calm enough to begin?

Vienna: Yes. Today we have some special dares for a few of you. Before we do them though, I need to change you guys back to humans. *claps paws together and everyone changes back to their human forms*

Hazel: Now that we have taken care of that, Vienna can go back to being overly excited.

Vienna: There is a big announcement that I need to make. So today is Contestshipping day! So unless you're May, Drew, Harley, or Solidad, you can go back to your rooms since we have no dares for the rest of you guys.

Said people: Why do you need us?

Hazel: You'll see.

Harley: What's with not telling us anything?

Hazel: Because if we tell you guys, you'll try finding a way out of it.

During this conversation everyone who was not needed left...

Vienna: Like always, these dares are from me. So the first dare is for May and Drew to look up Contestshipping. *gives them her phone*

 *gives them her phone*

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