His Favorite Competitor (Hadrian x F. Reader)

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(Y/N's POV)
I sighed as I looked out of the dorm window at the snowfall outside. I loved how the courtyard would always get covered by a blanket of snow in the winter. It was one of the only things that really kept me happy in these games.

You see, I've been stuck in these games for about five years now. The endless cycle of death and respawning was always so sickening for me. And the mines, oh those wretched quartz mines. I was one of the lucky ones, since one of the Old Builders likes me I didn't have to stay in as long. Three months at a time is the maximum that Hadrian makes me stay in. He seems to have an odd attraction to me, which I don't mind at all since it means he is easier on me than the rest of the competitors.

Though, that isn't the only reason why I don't mind it. I may or may not have some feelings for Hadrian. Ever since he first got me out of my world, I knew he was the one. The only reason I am actually in the Games is because of him saving me from a dangerous situation back in my home world. I'd rather not say what exactly it was, but I am thankful that he cared enough to get me out of a situation that was causing my suffering. Ever since I joined the Games, my feelings for Hadrian started to grow more and more powerful.

While my teammates and I were sitting in our dorm, we heard a knock at the door. One of them got up and walked over as the knocking continued. When they answered the door, all of our eyes widened when we saw Slab waiting outside the door.

"Is (Y/N) in here?" he asked, peeking into the room.  

My teammates turned their heads and shot me confused looks. I shrugged a bit as I stood up.

"Come on, shorty. Hadrian needs to speak with you in private," Slab stated.

I looked back at my teammates, who were just as confused as me. With a reluctant sigh, I turned to face him once again. I gave him a nod before following him out of the competitor dormitory building.

After a little while of walking, we finally made it to the Old Builders' palace. When we got through the doors, Slab took a hold of my wrist before dragging me down the hallways. I rolled my eyes and scowled as he led me through the office wing. As I looked on either side of me, I could see four offices lined up against the wall. The first two looked similar to a redstone and potion lab. Meanwhile the other two that were closer to Hadrian's were, most likely, Mevia and Otto's.

Once we reached the end of the hallway, Slab flipped a lever next to the obsidian and sea lantern arch.This caused the quartz wall to be split into two and pulled off to the sides. Slab peaked his head in, calling for his boss. After getting permission to send me in, he gave me a little nudge before walking off.  I sighed softly as I made my way over to his desk, causing the older man to perk up and smirk.

"I'm glad to see you made it here in one piece," Hadrian chuckled as he rose from his chair.

I sighed tiredly, "Okay, get to the point. Why did you have Slab come get me at such an ungodly time of the night?"

"Well, I have a deal for you, and I think you'll like it~" he answered, teasingly running his fingers along my shoulders while circling me.

I rolled my eyes, "What is it?"

"Here's the deal, you don't have to play in the Games or go to the mines anymore, if you agree to become my girlfriend~" he said huskily.

I blushed madly before stuttering, "Y-you have a- deal!"

"Excellent! Now, go shower up and meet me in my room," he said before walking out of the office.

I took a couple deep breaths to calm down a bit. I can't believe that he offered for me to not play in the Games and be his girlfriend! I started to feel butterflies in my stomach as Slab started to lead me to the spare room. I quickly walked in and took a shower before changing into the lingerie and bathrobe on the bed.

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