Chapter 5 Rewind, Repeat

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I'm getting that really creeped out feeling, It smells like muck, I can barely breathe, and Sesshomaru looks tense. Yep, we're here!

Sesshomaru had stopped in front of a steep ledge and was peering up as if something would appear at any moment. Kagome didn't like that look, and the others were already preparing their weapons. Before she could reach for her bow, a blinding flash lit the clearing, and Kagome was pulled upwards by vines toward the cliff as the group looked on in horror.

"Sesshomaru!" she yelled frantically, but a barrier blocked his path. He tore at it maddeningly with his whip, but the barrier wouldn't give.

"Release her at once!" he snarled, and a figure materialized behind the barrier.

The sorceress was slim and beautiful, with long dark hair and iridescent purple eyes. She smiled coldly and said, "Now, now, my dear hanyou, I can't give her back to you just yet. See, I need her soul to resurrect the Shikon Miko, so I can use her for— well, that's my secret. Kukuku."

Wait a minute! Why did she kidnap me ! I thought Kikyou was the one who would get captured! Urgh! Damn you damsel and distress fate!

Kagome turned back to Sesshomaru and flinched. His youki was pouring out in insurmountable amounts of rage, and his eyes were already hazing with red.

Hold on, if Sesshomaru is a hanyou, then doesn't that mean his youkai blood can take control?! No! I can't let that happen!

"Sesshomaru! Don't lose control! Fight it!"

Sesshomaru clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes. The sorceress looked on in unamused boredom. "Hanyou's are so easy to tick off. Don't you agree my dear?" She turned to Kagome with that malicious smile.

"Let me go! Why did you capture me ?!"

"Well it seems there are two of you with that woman's soul, but yours is much stronger! Though, if yours fails to connect, I can always use that girl as my back-up plan." She flicked a finger, and a sphere of light surrounded them. As they started to fly off, Kagome yelled back desperately, "SESSHOMARU!"


No! I must not lose myself! Focus, Sesshomaru! You have to save Kagome!

His youkai blood was spreading, and Sesshomaru's control was slipping by the second. He pressed his claws into his hands letting the blood flow from his palms, then turned to Kikyou and growled, "K-Kikyou! The...seal!"

"No! I will not force you to—"

"NOW!" He roared.

With a defeated look, Kikyou mumbled, "Osuwari," and Sesshomaru's knees hit the ground. He could feel his youkai blood receding, and forced himself to calm down. He took a deep breath, then rose to his feet. He closed his eyes and concentrated on thinking rationally.

Kagome's safety is my first priority. To get to her we must overcome this barrier, and deal with the witch on the other side.

"Sesshomaru," Sango's calm and even voice broke through his thoughts. "Let me take care of the barrier." She then proceeded to pull out the sword that resided at her hip. Unlike most mikos, Sango carried a sword instead of bows and arrows, and Sesshomaru had witnessed her skills firsthand on the battlefield.

Sango walked towards the barrier and placed a paper talisman on it. With one stroke of her sword, the paper ripped in two, and the barrier vanished.

Sesshomaru nodded his approval, then turned to the group. "Sango, I want you and Kikyou to take Kirara and position yourselves in the sky. I'm afraid the witch may come after Kikyou next and I need you to protect her. Find a good vantage point where Kikyou can use her arrows if necessary. Miroku, I want you to take the trees. That is the best place for you to use Hiraikotsu. Do not use the Kazaana unless there are no other options. I will take the road ahead." That said, he started streaking down the path; the girls flying overhead and Miroku dashing through the treetops.

Please be safe Kagome. I promise I will come for you.


Stupid, stupid, stupid! You're always getting captured! Why can't someone else get treated like this for once! Urgh! When I get out of this, I'm gonna beat that damn pretty witch to a bloody pulp!

Kagome was stuck in a cave, struggling against the bonds that would not budge. Meanwhile, the sorceress knelt pouring some strange potion in the basin where Kagome lay. When she was done, she straightened, then gave Kagome that wicked smile. She turned back towards the entrance to the cave and scowled. "Tch. So they've broken my barrier. But they are too late!" She turned towards the back of the cave and yelled, "Come here you worthless shell!"

Out of the darkness stepped a figure that was the mirror image of Kagome. Not the Kikyou version, but purely Kagome. She stared at her with lifeless eyes, then knelt down and touched her forehead. Kagome felt the familiar tug of her soul being ripped from her body. The last thing she heard before she blacked out was Sesshomaru's voice crying out for her in the darkness.

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