Chapter 2 Dream, Reality, or Nightmare?

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A clawed hand pressed gently against her face, and Kagome's first thought was, wow, what a nice dream. I wish Inuyasha would do this more often in my dreams, and maybe he could

And suddenly a nose was grazing against her throat and a soft insistent voice that held both nothing and everything sounded in her ear. "Kagome," and that was it.

Then it suddenly dawned on her: it was broad daylight, her entire body was aching, she wasn't asleep, and the hand and nose were still in their respected places.

Wait wait wait! Why is Inuyasha—no backtrack, that wasn't Inuyasha's voice. Then who...?

Kagome slowly opened her eyes to find herself staring at a blanket of white. This wasn't the grey-white of Inuyasha's hair, but a white so pure that snow looked dull in comparison. And only one person she knew had hair that nice.

The man leaned back, and Kagome stared into the face of the cold lord of the West. It was Sesshomaru—but it wasn't.

He has dog ears? Oh they're soooo cuuuute—no—he looks different! His armor and pelt are gone, and are those...the beads of subjugation? Does Inuyasha have another brother he didn't tell me about?


Nope! No doubt about it. That's Sesshomaru's voice. I'm pretty sure no one else can make the world sound as boring as he can. But why hasn't he tried to kill me yet—NO—More importantly, WHY IS HE TOUCHING ME—

"You are dead." His sullen words broke her train of thought instantly.

I'm dead? But I didn't hit the ground that hard—and why am I in pain—and you shouldn't be here—and, and, well you shouldn't be here!!

"But you can't be dead," she said suddenly. "You're too strong to die."

Sesshomaru cocked his head and answered, "I am strong, and I am not dead. Why are you in the world of the living?"

Wait, that didn't sound right. She was dead... but she wasn't?

"What?" she asked completely clueless.

Before Sesshomaru could reply, a soft feminine voice carried over the wind, "SESSHOMARU!"

Kagome turned and did a double-take. Kikyou was bounding up the slope wearing her school uniform. Close on her heals was Miroku dressed as a taijya, Sango dressed as a miko, and a pint-sized Koga. Then Kagome laughed. She laughed so hysterically that everyone just starred at her as though she had gone mad.

Hahaha! Good one universe! This is the most hilarious dream I've ever had! Sango and Miroku, oh and Koga's so little, and Sesshomaru's ears, and hahaha!!!

Kagome suddenly blinked and realized she had passed out. She was lying in Kaede's old hut while the others were bickering outside. She breathed a sigh of relief. Her friends must have found her passed out after that attack from Kagura, but since she was so sore, she didn't feel like getting up to see them.

"Why did you bring that woman back?! She sealed you to a tree for heaven's sakes!"

Huh? Kikyou?

"You wouldn't understand. She is—"

"No you're right I wouldn't understand. I'll leave you to figure things out."

Sesshomaru and Kikyou? Why are they here? And what are they talking about?

"Please my friends, do not bicker. What is done is done and we cannot leave this poor woman alone."

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