Prologue: Out Of Action

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We cut to a small town where we see the Skylanders in action fighting Gulper. We see Jet-Vac in the air blasting Gulper with his vacuum gun as Gulper tries to block the attack by covering his face with his hand. Jet-Vac then flies around the town before stopping to look at Eruptor and Stealth Elf as they bring out a bunch of civilians from a burning building

Jet-Vac: Well done lads, now where's Spyro?

Spyro then suddenly flies past them

Eruptor: Um, there he is JV

Spyro continues to fly toward Gulper

Spyro: Yo soda man!

Gulper: What Skylander!?

Spyro: Eat this!

Spyro breathes fire at Gulper's face which angers him. Gulper then sees a building and heads inside. Everyone else then catches up to Spyro and looks at him.

Jet-Vac: Where's he going?

Spyro: I'm not sure. He just went into that building all of a sudden

Suddenly the ground starts to shake and everyone turns back to the building to see the rooftop breaking. Gulper suddenly breaks through the roof as is seen coming out larger than before holding a canister in his hands

Eruptor: H-How did he get so big?!

Jet-Vac: (Notice the Canister) Oh no. That's-

Gulper: SODA!

Gulper then starts to slam his trident at them

Jet-Vac: Everyone move!

Everyone dodges the trident and Eruptor begins to shoot out a fireball at Gulper but it does not damage


A grappling hook was then shot at Gulper's soda as he turned around to see Y/N. Gulper tries to swipe Y/N away but he dodges. Y/N then grabs the soda and hangs on to it and starts to shoot his gun at Gulper's face. Gulper then grabs Y/N off the soda and carries him with his fingers


Y/N then fires his gun at the soda, destroying it and making Gulper shocked

Gulper: MY SODA! NOOOOO! (Looks at Y/N) THAT'S IT!

Gulper then throws Y/N away at a building. Gulper then roars until a potion suddenly gets thrown and enters Gulper's. His eyes widen and he gulps, no pun intended. Suddenly something explodes and Gulper passes out. We then see Pop Fizz was the one who had threw the potion and everyone except Y/N surrounds him

Spyro: Sweet throw there Pop

Jet-Vac: Nice one Lad

Eruptor: Great job man

Spyro: What potion was that Pop?

Pop Fizz: Don't know. Think it was my sleeping potion.....I think

Stealth Elf: Hey where's Y/N?

Eruptor: Last time I saw him, he was thrown right at that building by Gulper

Eruptor then points to the broken building and Stealth Elf teleports there and finds Y/N face-planted on the floor

Stealth Elf: You okay?

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