Episode 7: Anger Mismanagement

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Blueflameknight: Hey folks author here just gonna say that this chapter is mostly focusing on Eruptor, just like how the last chapter focused on Stealth Elf. And I am working on my own original chapter focusing on Y/N, it's a concept I've been wanting to make for a while now and I can't wait to show you all. But you might need to wait for about 2 more chapters before the original chapter comes out. But without further ado let's begin


We cut open to an open field filled with sheep and we see Hex and Skull sitting on a couch looking away from each other

Skull: I'm not talking first!

Hex: And why would you Skull? That would actually require you to do something other than float!

Skull then looks at Hugo which is revealed that this is a therapy session between the two

Skull: You see this is what I'm talking about. This is what she does! She talks down to me constantly, but when she summons me I'm just supposed to appear at her back and call

Hex: "Groan" That's how it works Skull. I'm a sorcerous, you're a familiar. I summon you to do my bidding

Hugo: (Calm) Hex, Skull, please. In order for your partnership to work, you can't bottle up your feelings, you have to express yourselves as openly as you can. Despite how much you-

Hugo then notices some sheep behind Hex and Skull and they are glaring at him

Hugo: (Scared) You might-Just hide your fears-

Skull: Wait we should hide our fears?

Hugo: What? (Looks back at Skull) N-No! Sorry, now uh, where was I? Right, you need to be honest about how you really feel. Focus on the problems in front of you

Hugo then sees the sheep glaring at him with red eyes and uses his feet to show Hugo that they're going to kill him

Hugo: Don't run away from them Hugo

Skull: You're Hugo! I'm Skull, That's Hex!

Hugo: What? Oh right! Don't be someone you're not and be someone you are-

Hugo then sees the sheep carrying a doll version of him and ripping the hands of the doll out which freaks Hugo breaking point


Hugo then runs away and Hex looks at Skull

Skull: He's the only one who takes our insurance

(Later That Night)

We cut to the outside of a restaurant and we see the rest of the Skylanders team who are wearing stealth gear with binoculars coming down from a rope and landing on the ground. Except for Eruptor who gets tangled in his rope and is hanging upside down. Jet-Vac looks at the team and does some hand signals that I can't write

Spyro: Yeah I don't any of that means. Anyone else?

Y/N: <Yeah I speak sign language for my entire life and I don't even know what that means>

Jet-Vac: Guys, it means this (Points to the restaurants) Is our target. Intel indicates Chef Pepper Jack has been working here on his latest lethal recipe to terrorize the Skylands. Our mission is to take him out tonight

Eruptor: And not for nothing JV but couldn't you just say that without all hand stuff? (Tries to free himself) Stupid dumb tape non-resistant fire ropes!

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