Special QnA (Questions)

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Hey everyone, it's been a while, it's been since what? March? Since I completed Human Skylander, it seems almost like yesterday. So, what is this? Why is there a QnA? Well, by the time I'm posting this, it would be November 1st. 11 Days before the 2nd Anniversary Of Human Skylander. So to celebrate the upcoming anniversary, I'm hosting another QnA. Now there will be some rules, just like the last two so let's go over them

1. No inappropriate questions about Lemons, NSFW, etc.

2. You are allowed to ask questions about the Sequel to Human Skylander, The Story Continues, but don't ask too much specific questions about it, as I do want to keep things a secret.

3. You can ask me or the characters about anything, characters also include Sprocket, the Doomraiders, Tayln, etc

4. In the last two previous QnA, you were all allowed to ask three questions, but for this special occasion, you are allowed to ask FIVE questions.

5. For those who asked questions in the previous two QnA, you can join in the QnA and ask the five questions. Just as long you follow the rules

6. Please don't pester me on where the sequel is. I'm working on it. It's just taking a long time to finish.

Now, ask your desired questions everyone, and I'll try to answer all of them

(Ask Your Questions Here)

See you guys on November 12 guys.

The Human Skylander (Skylanders x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora