Episode 9: Shattered Glass

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Blueflameknight: Hey everyone, author here. I'm gonna skip the Beard Science Episode because I thought it felt a bit unnecessary and it didn't have a lot of Y/N in it. But to pay it back, I wrote an original chapter that I wanted to create for a long time now. I hope you guys enjoy it and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


We open nighttime in a nearby town, we then cut to the inside of a museum which is seen with all the lights off and no visitors in sight. We see that many artifacts and items from Skylands are put on display. However, one particular item is seen in the middle of the museum. A mirror that has mystery rune writings around it, it also had an angel wing on the left side and a demon wing on the right. We then see a few shadowy figures approach the artifacts before they start to laugh maniacally

(Meanwhile: Skylanders House)

We cut back to the Skylanders' house where we see Eruptor, Y/N, Spyro, and Stealth Elf in the living room watching TV

"Oh no Professor Bin the multiverse is collapsing"

"Don't worry I just stopped it using my pen which is magic"


Y/N: <This show is boring>

Eruptor: No it's not, it's the best show that ever existed

Y/N: <All they do is talk and whenever there's a problem they just use some plot device and fix it>

Eruptor: Don't push my buttons Y/N

Spyro: Eruptor no offense, but this show kinda does suck

Eruptor: Why you little-

Stealth Elf: Guys enough, please. All I want right now is to relax instead of having another mission so soon.

Y/N: <Sorry Elf. But I'll admit the multiverse is not a bad theory. Well except for this show>

Eruptor: Hey!

Y/N: <I'm just joking. But to think that the multiverse can have an infinite amount of universes with each of them being different. I wonder what one would look like>

Stealth Elf: Who knows? I mean, one universe could have this show being actually good

Eruptor: Now you pushed the buttons!

Eruptor was about to rage but was stopped when Master Eon's floating head appeared.

Master Eon: Skylanders! The Skylands Museum is being robbed by the Doomraiders! We must stop them before they use any artifacts for evil!

Master Eon disappears and Jet-Vac appears in the room before he looks at the team

Jet-Vac: You heard the man, let's move!

Jet-Vac then leaves the house with Pop Fizz following behind and Y/N looks at the others

Y/N: <So much for a night off>

They then leave and join up with the others

(Later: Skylands Museum)

We then see Dr.Krankcase outside holding his goo guns and we see Kaos, Glumshanks, and Broccoli Guy carrying the artifacts outside the museum

Dr.Krankcase: Hey hurry up we don't have much time before the Skylanders get here!

Glumshanks and Broccoli Guy then carry the mirror and Kaos looks at Krankcase

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