Chapter Six

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Bella opened her eyes to find she was no longer in the church, but in a hospital room. Looking over, she finds Esme and Carlisle sitting beside the bed. "Mom, Dad."

Esme gasped and jumped to her feet. "Bella, dear, you are awake."

"What happened?" Bella asked.

"You passed out at the service. Scott was at the service and rushed to your side. He called the ambulance, and they brought you here. He will be back in a few minutes," Esme answered, smoothing her hand over Bella's hair.

Bella couldn't believe she passed out. "I have never done that before."

"You have been under a lot of stress," Carlisle said, patting her hand. He didn't know how she was even functioning after all that had happened.

"Good, you're awake," Dr. Scott Baugher called out as he walked back into the room. He had been in the audience at the funeral when Bella had collapsed. Rushing to her side, he checked her pulse and breathing. Both were strong, but she was unconscious. He needed to get her to the hospital and check her out. Edward had been a good friend, and he owed it to him to take care of Bella. Once they were in the ambulance, he had the equipment to check her over. Her blood pressure was low, which explained her passing out. He would run a battery of tests when they arrived at New York Presbyterian. After getting her into an exam room, he ordered several tests to see what was happening. Edward's parents arrived a few minutes after he got her in the room and allowed them to stay as he checked her over. Before leaving the room, he explained he would be back when he had the results back. Thirty minutes later, he held the results, which answered the reason she passed out. Walking back into the room, he was happy to see she was awake and alert. He moved to the opposite side of the bed and looked down at her. "I have the results of your tests."

"Is there something seriously wrong with her, Scott?" Esme cried. She couldn't take it if it was. She had just lost her son and she couldn't lose the woman who had become a daughter to her.

"No. I just need to ask, how long have you known?" Scott asked.

"Know what?" Bella answered.

"That you're pregnant."

"What? It is impossible," Bella exclaimed.

"Well, you are. Now let's take a look and see just how far along you are."

"I haven't been with anyone except for Edward and there is no way I am pregnant."

Dr. Baugher brought over the ultrasound machine. Pulling up her gown, he saw the small bump. Rubbing the wand over it, the sound of the heartbeat sounded through the room. "Well, it has a strong heartbeat," he said as he watched the screen and saw she was at least six months pregnant. "And you are close to six months pregnant. Did you not suspect you were?"

"No. I gained weight, but I thought it was because of all the junk food I have been eating, because I was missing Edward. Is he or she okay? I didn't harm it by not getting prenatal care?" Bella asked, worried she had harmed her and Edward's child.

"No. Everything looks great. Would you like to know the sex?"

Bella thought for a moment, but shook her head. They had talked about this when they started trying to have a baby and they both decided that the surprise of the sex was a gift to have at the time of birth. Why had she made them wait so long to have a child? She could see the longing for a child every time he looked at one, but she wanted to wait. Now she was pregnant and he would never get to meet the life they had created out of love.

Placing her hand over the bump, she fought back the tears. "Your daddy would have been so happy to have met you."

Both Esme and Carlisle broke out into tears. They had lost their only child, but by some miracle, he was going to live on in the child Bella was carrying.

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