Chapter Three

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"Are you serious?" Bella asked, her heart racing over the news.

"Yes, my love, I am very serious," Edward chuckled. "Embry is doing much better and I hope to have him on a plane on Friday to Nome. He will still have many months of rehab, but for now he is stable."

"When will you fly out?"

"After I get him on the plane. I have discussed his treatment with the physicians in Nome and they feel confident in the course of action. Jay is arranging for the jet to bring me back home."

Bella was so excited to hear that Edward was coming home. It had been two months since he left and never in their marriage had they been apart for so long. When he first left, she was busy with the exhibit and after that; she had thrown herself into the charities they helped with. Keeping busy helped her survive each day without having Edward by her side. "So you will be home Saturday or Sunday?"

"Yes, barring any delays. I can't wait to see you, my love," Edward said. God, how he missed her. The two months had felt like forever. He was busy most of the time, doing everything he could to save Embry. The damage to the aorta was severe. The dissection was from the top of the aorta at the top of heart all the way down to Embry's groin. Several spots were so thin, he had to patch them. He placed a stent along with four extensions. Edward also had to bypass several major arteries, because the stent and extensions were blocking blood flow to major organs.

"I can't wait to have you in my arms again," Bella said.

"Me too, my love, me too."

"Call me with the details, so I can be at the airport to pick you up," Bella instructed.

"I will, I promise."

Three days later, Edward was walking through the clinic when he met an older gentleman. "Dr. Cullen?" he asked.

"Yes, and you are?"

"It is a pleasure finally meeting you personally. I'm Dr. Black of North Sound Regional Hospital."

"Hello. I am surprised to see you here," Edward said.

"Well, Jay and I were talking about how we have kept you here for much longer than you expected. So, your jet is at the airport waiting to take you back home."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I am here to make sure Embry gets to Nome safely," Dr. Black said. "Now, go get packed and Quil is waiting to get you to the airport. Thank you for coming all this way and saving Embry's life."

Edward shook Dr. Black's hand and rushed out of the clinic. He had been living in a small cottage close to the clinic. Running in, he grabbed his suitcase and began throwing clothes into it, not caring if they were folded or not. Most of them would have to be thrown out once he got home, anyway.

He thought about calling Bella and telling her he was coming home early, but he decided to not to, wanting to surprise her. Picking up his suitcase and backpack, he looked around the small room to make sure he had everything. As he walked out the door, a strong, chilly wind hit him. It had been getting colder and colder each day. He heard the locals talking about how the winter weather was only weeks away. It was only the middle of October and it felt like the dead of winter in New York. He couldn't even imagine what it would be like here in December or January.

"Edward, get your ass in the truck," Quil yelled out the truck window. Over the last two months, they had become friends. When Edward wasn't at the clinic keeping a close watch on Embry, Quil took him to the local bar for a drink. The locals were leary at first, but when they learned why Edward was here and how he saved Embry's life, they welcomed him with open arms. Families were always inviting him to dinner or bringing him things to eat to his cottage.

After placing his suitcase on the bed of the truck, Edward climbed in the passenger door with his backpack. "I'm here, so let's get going."

Quil chuckled as he put the truck in drive and started towards the airport two hours away. He knew how excited Edward must be to get back to his wife. Maybe someday he will meet someone who would be his entire world. They arrived at the airport and the jet was waiting for its passenger. He got out and took Edward's suitcase from the bed of the truck, placing it on the ground. "It has been a genuine pleasure getting to know you Edward."

"Same here, Quil, and there is an open invitation to come to New York. Bella and I would love to have you stay with us."

"I would love that," Quil replied.

"Dr. Cullen, we have to get in the air," the pilot called out from the plane.

"I'll be right there," Edward called out. "Thank you for making the last two months almost livable."

"Anytime, my friend, anytime," Quil said.

Edward picked up his suitcase and headed to the plane. A smile broke out on his face when he realized that in about twenty or so hours, he would be back in the arms of his sweet Bella. The pilot took the case from him and placed it on the plane. Edward climbed the steps of the plane and took a seat.

"Dr. Cullen, we will be wheels up in ten minutes. Make sure you are buckled in."

Taking a seat, Edward buckled the seatbelt and leaned back in the soft seat. Just as the pilot had said, they were in the air ten minutes later on their way home. After they reached cruising altitude, Edward removed his seatbelt and got up. Walking to the small bar, he opened the refrigerator to pull out the packages of varied meats and cheeses. He made himself a sandwich and put the rest back. Before closing the door, he grabbed a beer and headed back to the chair. After he ate and drank his beer, he sat down and pulled up a book on his iPad.

It was a book that Bella recommended him to read. Half way through the book, he couldn't help but think about how well she knew him. The book was everything he loved in a story, action with a great mystery. Laying the iPad on the seat next to him, he looked down at his wedding band. He slipped it off his finger and looked at the engraving. Two hearts, but only one soul unites us. B & E. Remembering the day they picked out their rings and what they would have engraved on each one. He was about to put it back on when the plane plunged, causing him to drop the ring. Dropping to his knees to pick it up, the plane shook, knocking the ring even further away. The door to the cockpit opened. "Dr. Cullen, get back in your seat and buckle up, now."

Edward did as he was told and listened to see what was going on.

"Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, this is Gulfstream alpha delta yankee tree tree zero. We are calling an emergency, because of an unforeseen extreme weather. Our flaps are frozen and have no vertical lift. We are at 65.882936, -123.089246 traveling southeast towards Great Bear Lake," the pilot rattled off. "Is there anyone out there?"

"Is there an airport nearby?" Edward yelled.

"No, and even if there was, I have no flaps to land. The entire plane is coated in a blanket of ice and it is getting thicker by the minute."

"Didn't you receive a weather forecast before we took off?" Edward asked.

"We did, and it said we were all clear. This storm came out of nowhere," the pilot answered.

Edward might not know anything about planes, but this didn't sound good. His thoughts went immediately to Bella. He didn't want to leave her. They had never talked about death and what would happen if one of them was no longer around. He hoped she would find someone else to share her life with.

"MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY," the pilot screamed as the plane turned downward. He fought with the wheel to regain control of the plane, but in his heart he knew this was it. A thousand feet above ground, he was able to level them out, but by this time, the engines had stalled. He turned and looked at Dr. Cullen. "I'm sorry, sir."

Just before the plane made impact with the ground, he called out. "I love you Bella, now and forever." In the next second, everything went black.

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