Stalkerbur 3

173 7 25

Tw: alcohol, mmmm drinking while Mario kart mmmm, major injuries, implied murder, almost seggs possibly


I can't help but frown at the thought that Ted being gone has made Schlatt so upset. He's talked to people less and has only been focused on getting people to look for him with Charlie. The two of them would hang up missing flyers everywhere around town.

I feel bad...He really really cares...I took Ted...I made him upset...but...He's only upset cause he doesn't understand...If I didn't do what I might of done then things would be much worse...This is for the better...yeah! If Ted lived to tell the truth then Schlatt would've been...scared...Terrified...He wouldn't be able to sleep at night at all...

"Wilbur you okay?" Techno looked at me as Tommy happily ate soup techno made and I sat staring the soup down.

"Yeah...Just worried is all"

"Ted?" Tommy finished gulping down his bowl and placed it on the table as he looked at me in curiosity.

"Ted is a good friend of Wil's that went missing while visiting"

"Oh the missing flyer guy?"

"Yeah...him..." I mumbled. Techno frowned as the table went quiet.

"'s late Tommy how about you get ready for bed" Techno smiled to him and he nodded and grabbed his bowl to put it in the sink before leaving to get ready for bed.

Good kid...sometimes I worry what'll happen when he grows up...I mean he's growing up with a stalker and murder...he doesn't even know it..

"Wil what actually happened to him?"

"...I'm pretty sure..I..I killed him.."

"What do you mean?" Techno sounded surprised.

"I...I sorta got caught in the act...and...he saw...s-so I- I guess I just acted before really thinking..."

"...What did you do with him?" He asked in a mumble as he started to stir his soup.

"..I...I don't know..."

"How do you not know?-" he asked in a purely confused manner. "I...I just-" a sudden knock at the door makes me freeze. Techno seems to eye the door suspiciously as I look at it worried at who might be there.

Oh god what if it's the police- or somehow it's Ted coming for revenge-

"Hello?..Who are you?" Techno already at the door asked a guy I couldn't quite see.

" I-is W-Wilbur here? I'm a...friend of his..." a familiar voice spoke.

Charlie...what's Charlie doing here...

I felt myself tense up as I got up to see Charlie better. Surely enough it was him...and surely enough he saw me and nervously waved.

"H-Hey Wil! I um...wanted to chat..."

"About?..." I scratched my neck as Tech slowly left the room for us.

"...I wanted to talk about Schlatt and" oh god don't tell me he knows- no no no I can't get rid of another person...but...if I don't what will Schlatt's reaction be...

I...I have to get rid of him too-

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to help me cheer Schlatt up about Ted going missing...I mean we're all upset about his disappearance but it's really took a turn on Schlatt and I'm kinda worried...he's always talking about what we can do to help find out where he is and obviously hasn't been sleeping well.."

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