Sheep siblings angst

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Suicide and death so be careful kiddos :DD

I Remember. I remember the day when schlatt and puffy started fighting. Schlatt wasn't talking care of himself properly. Puffy kept yelling at him to take better care of himself as I sat in my room because puffy had told me to. It was scary when I heard a thud and a scream of panic from my sister after they had gotten quiet, it was scary seeing an ambulance roll in and take my brother. it was horrifying walking out to see my sister still on the porch stairs a few hours after the incident. she was sobbing. I remember hearing her speak in a shaky voice.

"T-Tubbo go b-back to your room...go play Minecraft with Tommy on your pc..I-ill go back inside soon.." I of course listened. I heard her choke a sob she was holding back when I went inside. she did eventually come back inside. she said schlatt just had another issue with his heart. its happened before. she said...she said he'd come back. he didn't come back.

the day of the funeral we stood in the rain, staring at his grave. I couldn't believe it till I saw it. before it started raining and the casket was opened, he lay with his eyes closed. I couldn't even take a step near the casket. the sobs from puffy and the others who came to the funeral were carved into my mind.

now I'm here. writing a note, a goodbye, a final wish. to my older sister puffy. to my friends. to myself...I want to forget. I really..really want to forget. as soon as I finished I put the pencil down and got up and walked out my room.

"puffy! I'm heading out okay" I hear a hum in response from my sister who sat on the couch working on her laptop as I opened the door. I just wanted to escape. I let out a shakey breath as I step into the snow.

each step I took got colder. the colder it felt the more alive I seemed to feel. something about going num just feels so lively. i know exactly where I'm going. I remember Tommy would talk about how the bridge over the river in our town would have a thin layer of ice in the winter. I wanted to fall in. I wanted, no..needed to feel my body go num when I break the ice and fall in the water.

I feel a rush as I step onto the bridge. this is the moment. I feel my hands shake as I stand at the railing. my body keeps telling me no but all my mind can think of is the feeling. will I know what schlatt felt like when he left us? it can't be that scary right? its more scary having to deal with losing someone. it can't be scary for them. it has to go black. no not black. blank. nothing. a fresh canvas it just has to can't be that bad.

I sit on the railing looking down at the ice. I dwell on my final thoughts as I get ready to jump. I take my jacket off and finally jump.

as soon as I hit the ice and went into the water, I finally remembered what it was like to feel alive. I remember that I didn't want this-

I scrambleded as I fell deeper into the dark cold waters. my body would go num but all my brain could think of was having a warm hot chocolate with puffy near the fireplace. I needed to get out. I can't go yet, I don't want this, why did I do this? I helplessly scrambled in the water as I lost my last breath.

puffy had just finished her work when she had decided to check on tubbo, he's been quiet recently..she thought as she opened the door to his room. she was confused when she saw nobody in the room till she remembered he had left to go out. she was about to walk out till she noticed a paper on his desk. she hesitantly went up to the paper before reading it. she could barely think as she read the words.

dear whoever found the note, probably puffy,

I've been having dark thoughts recently. I've been wondering a lot about how it was like for schlatt, what made him drop dead so easily. I've been craving the feeling of just feeling alive enough to try not to die. I really don't want you to worry, I don't want you to think about me being gone. I tried, I really, really tried. I just couldn't live feeling so hallow so empty and useless for so long. I'm sure you'll somehow fine someone to watch all those Netflix series with.

Puffy dropped the note running, already knowing where she had to go.

To drink hot chocolate with as you explain a math problem they were stuck on.

She could feel her heart race and the stings as her feet stepped in the cold. She was wearing slippers, one might as well have slipped off her foot and she'd keep going. The adrenaline only started to go away when she saw the bridge in the distance.

To be honest. I'm not really sure if my words even make sense to you, but I can't find any other way to form these feelings into words.

Her body was shaking as the adrenaline was wearing off. She could give less of two shits if she ended up sick, she just wanted to save her brother. She couldn't loose someone again.

If you want to know I'll be going to the bridge down town that Tommy mentioned, I know this isn't gonna be a happy experience for you to say the least. Even if it's hard I need you to leave me, I just need to Remember, remember anything but what happened.

"TUBBO" the woman yelled at the top of her lungs when she looked down from the bridge seeing a huge hole in the ice, letting her stare into the cold waters to she her brother slowly stop his rapid movements. She rushed down the bridge on the verge of tears pulling out her phone to call an ambulance. She wasn't going to loose him. He's coming back home. He's gonna be here to smile at his friends jokes again. He's gonna make mistakes. He's gonna grow.

She repeated all those things in her head as she told the number all about the situation as she tried her best to pull him out the water.

The ambulance came, she sobbed as they took her brother away from her once again. They needed to bring him back. They will bring him back.

If it makes you feel better I'll always be waiting for you. I want you to live on, live the life I couldn't bare to even see. A part of me wants to stay but the other part of me knew I was not gonna make it for long.

She went back to the porch that night. Sobbing, waiting for a call from the ambulance. They had offered her to come along of course but she couldn't bare to see him go. No. He was coming back. He was coming back she told herself again and again.

I'm gone from your life, and that's okay. I'll always watch over you.
Sincerely, your brother Tubbo

She didn't hold back any sobs that night. Deep down she knew, her brother wasn't coming back home. Little did she know he stood right behind her. He stood watching her sob like he did all those years back, this time she didn't tell him to go to his room. This time he knew he stood with his older brother schlatt.

They had so much to catch up on
Angst again
And it's once again by _Sad_shipper_27

As u can tell they are very good at writing angst and like to hurt us all :( go check them and their amazing book out it'd really mean a lot :))
Anygay remember to eat, drink something probably and don't sleep because sleep is propaganda created by the government so they can make ur sister leave for university and leave u alone with ur mother and cousin and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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