Together again

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*extremely frustrated and angry sight*

Just- happy new year :D

Thomas pov.:

"Hey Stiles!" Scott waves from the parking lot near the school, the pack decided to have a pack meeting because a lot of the pack's long lost siblings came back...let's just ignore the fact they kicked me out for the whole nogitsune thing a few weeks before I was kidnapped.

"My sister's waiting in the car- she's kind of upset now so..."
"I wonder why" I mutter under my breath, he definitely heard it ( stupid supernatural hearing ) but he doesn't seem to care, he probably forced her sister to come.

"Come on Rose!" A girl comes out ( the irony- okok I'll stop- srsly this time ) of the car and I immediately recognized the one who was supposed to kill me.

"Thomas? What the stick?! I thought- forget it" She hugs me tightly and I hug back.
"Oh shuck it's so good to see you and- Rose McCall? That sucks" I laugh
"Shut up StIlEs" I roll my eyes "Now I get why they changed your name"
"Slim it Harriet, we should concentrate to find the others and not making fun of my name DuH"
"Have I ever told you that I hate when you're right?"
"Yup, a lot of times actually" We both laugh ignoring an extremely confused Scott, but details.

Another car comes by, it's Derek's so I guess Isaac's siblings and Derek's brother are going to meet us ( Scott told me about every sibling that came back, it was honestly annoying ) I smile even more when I see who it is.
"Harriet!" Sonya rushs into her girlfriend's arms.
"Tommy!" Newt. I hug him as tightly as I can giving him a soft kiss on his cheek.

With the corner of my eye I see Ari's joining Harriet and Sonya's hug.
We don't have enough time to hug eachother when other two cars arrive, I recognize both of them as Danny's and Kira's car.

"WASSUP SHANKS PAPA MIN-MIN IS BACK" I see my best friend screaming while running into us, followed by Brenda, geez her and Danny's parents really couldn't make a straight child, better this way tho ( sorry I had to 🤣 ).

"I missed you shanks! Now I can annoy you again" I say hugging both of them.
"Shut up Tom, I can't wait to wake up early again" In the safe heaven, Brenda was always the one that woke all of us wasn't nice especially when you cuddle with your boyfriend.

The last three cars arrive, those are Lydia's, Deaton's and Malia...I wonder if...

Yup, there they are, Fry, Gally and Teresa immediately run into us.
"Tom! Guys!" Teresa runs into me and I hug her.
"Nice to have you back sis" We both laugh a little.

"Brenda..." She says looking at her with sadness...we're still working on that-
Behind me I see Fry and Gally hugging, that's another issue we have to solve, just wait guys, your old friend Thomas is going to take care of you.

"Is that all of us?" I ask still not believing it.
"8...9...10, yup! We're all alive"
"Don't be so dramatic Min" Aris says clinging to Minho, it's so funny seeing him blush.

"Wait" I say realising something "Newton and Sonya are siblings?!"
"Yea, just- don't ask Tommy"
"How did we not saw that"
"I wonder that too Fry" Brenda answers

"Who want to have a pajama party at my house?" I suggest, my father won't mind... I hope.

We all leave...totally ignoring the pack's questions, when my fathers enters our house 3 hours later seeing a bunch of 17 years old teenagers having a pillow fight he just says:
"I don't even wanna know just- don't destroy the house"

Long story short, best pack meeting ever


The next and LAST chapter is going to be:

✨The ships mission✨

Baii :D

~Our "safe" heaven~ Tmr x TwWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt