Chapter 21

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(WARNING: A NEW CHARACTER IS APPROACHING!... only time I'm writing that, but yes new character will at least be introduced in the story, but won't be appearing much until later on)

Narrator's POV

A few days have passed and it was new year's eve (no, this is not a new years special... I hope) and the Caswell and Bowen families were preparing everything they needed for that night, Elena and Cash had to go out at some point to buy some stuff they were missing, while Mike, EJ and Ricky stayed at the mansion playing around so the kids weren't bored, or placing cups and plates on the table, because this time, EJ's cousin was coming over to visit alongside EJ's uncle and aunt, to spend new year's eve with them.

However, they did decide to invite the families of Ricky and EJ's friends, just in case they wanted to, most of them answered back saying that they were grateful for the invitation, but declined since they already planned with other family members... except for Big Red and their parents, since they accepted a little bit after Cash told them they were invited, mainly to spend more time with them since they were starting to make a great friendship between them.

But, they weren't the only guests that night, because Mike talked on the phone with Ben, therefore Miss Jenn, asking if they wanted to come and be with them for the new year, Jenn was a bit hesitant at first, but after hearing Ricky and EJ on the phone, since they noticed who Mike was talking to, they insisted on her coming over, Ricky insisting on both of them, which eventually got them to come over,  earning cheers from our two little protagonists.


Big Red's POV (first time for him if I'm not mistaken)

My family and I arrived at the Caswell residence around 8:00 PM, I'm kind of hoping me, EJ and Ricky are able to stay awake until midnight... maybe if we run around the house we'll be able to  stay awake!

Anyways, we park the car, my dad takes out the few pizzas we brought with us, and made our way to the main door, I'm kind of wondering if Ricky and EJ's parents invited someone else... I'll find out later if no one else appears.

We ring the doorbell and a few seconds later, we are greeted by Ricky's dad who took the boxes from my dad to take them to the kitchen, at the same time he let us inside. We follow him to the kitchen where everyone else was, alongside Miss Jenn? huh, I wonder why she's here. There's also another man that I don't know but seems to know Ricky's dad since they're talking with each other... perhaps that man is related in some way to Miss Jenn.

I keep looking and see EJ and Ricky playing near the counter, I walk towards them and when I get closer... *blushes* w-who's that girl?

Ricky: Big Red!

I suddenly realize I was just staring and standing still, which caused my face to turn even more red...

EJ: I'm sorry about this, but you're really living up to the Big Red name now *giggles*

Ricky smacked him in the arm after he said that and then made me come closer to introduce me to that girl, with the help of EJ.

EJ: hey Ash, this is our friend Big Red, Big Red, this is Ashlyn *smiles*

Ricky: *whispering* Ashlyn is EJ's cousin

I heard what Ricky said but I'm still shocked upon seeing Ashlyn... is she perhaps my predestined?... no, I don't think so, she doesn't seem affected upon seeing me, so I guess it's just me having a little crush on her.

Wait a minute, I actually don't have a predestined... I completely forgot that happens only to Alphas and Omegas, so maybe it is just a little crush on her... *sigh* man, I got my hopes up and then immediately crushed them (...I'm just gonna walk away)

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