Chapter 20 (Christmas Special!)

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(it's gonna take a bit for the christmas part to come in, but it is gonna take place during most of this chapter. Also, by the time I'm posting this it's still christmas for me, so I hope you enjoy either way)

Narrator's POV

Ricky went completely wild when Mike told him that they were now gonna live with EJ and his family, the very first thing was running around the house screaming like a maniac, even after Mike had caught him and lifted him from the floor, he still was moving his legs like crazy while being held by Mike.

Mike told him that they were gonna leave in 1 or 2 days, so he would have to pack everything Ricky owned that wasn't furniture, after Ricky understood what Mike went, he placed him on the floor, and Ricky immediately ran upstairs to get his stuff... or at least tried to since he then remembered that he wouldn't be able to fit it all in his backpack, so he screamed for his dad to help him with it.

Mike was gonna tell him that they at least wait 1 day, but upon seeing Ricky's excitement, he decided to help him pack most of the stuff he could, leaving some change of clothes for the last days they were staying there, which went by really quickly, so by Wednesday, Ricky and Mike were ready to move in with the Caswell family.

Oh and EJ didn't know Ricky and Mike were moving in, his parents wanted it as a surprise, but they did tell James however... who got earplugs for when EJ found out since he knew how loud he could get.


Ricky and Mike had arrived with all of their stuff, while Ricky held Franklin in his arms, Mike started to take out the bags with their stuff. They got to the front door and James opened it greeting both of them, Cash and Elena saw them and immediately went to help Mike with the stuff he had, they then heard EJ running down the stairs upon seeing Ricky, and hugged him for a while and then left a kiss on his cheek which, surprise surprise, it made Ricky blush.

He then saw Mike and James enter with some bags, and asked why did Ricky and Mike come with some bags. Cash and Elena thought it wouldn't be good to tell him the real reason, and right as they were about to give the "washed out" version, James quickly said...

James: They're gonna be living with us now, EJ

And just as he suspected, EJ screamed... a lot... he even started running around the house, and it's rooms... or at least the ones on the first floor so everyone could still hear him.

After what seemed like hours, EJ finall stopped running and started to catch his breath. After that, Ricky and Mike started making their way into the rooms they were gonna sleep in, Mike into the same guest room he used last time they were here, while Ricky moved in with EJ (what a shocker)

Mike still thought that they shouldn't stay that long with the Caswell family, but knew it would take a while for him to find a new place where he and Ricky could live. So a few months should be fine.


The Caswell and the Bowen family enjoyed decorating the house for Christmas, and the now 6 year old EJ and 6 year old Ricky were very excited for Christmas which was 2 days away (Their birthdays are gonna be the same as Joshua's and Matt's, which by this point have already passed) They already asked Santa what they wanted, but the two of them wanted to get something for the other, not knowing they both had the same idea.


I wanted to get a gift for Ricky, something I know he would enjoy having, but I couldn't come up with an idea... until a few days ago. I was in the living room alongside my parents, Mike and Ricky, watching a movie, but after a while Mike and Ricky said that they were gonna go get something from a store... I didn't think too much about it and continued watching the movie for a bit, until I remembered something super important.

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