Chapter 39 - Carnival Ligghts of Love

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AN: Happy New Wear guys!!!! Hipfully 2022 can beeter than last year, and I also want to give specil thanks to mah friend Rin-chan, youve been such good help! Injoy the sory.

I was SO excited for tonight! DIO and I decided we would be going to Polnareffland for our date, that place was so fun to go to (even if the guy who owned it, Polnareff, was an asshoe to me). I decided to dress up all fancy for the date, I put on a beautiful red dress that looks like like da ones that brides wear in India, and I used Soft and Wet to merge it with my normal outfit. I put on fishnets and some high heels, as well as sum Gapanese (geddit?) makeup and a pink rose in my hair. I wanted to look like a princess tonight.

I slowly and carfully walked downstars so dat i didn't fall. Gyro and Okuyasu were cooking chili, and Vlanetine was crying at a WW2 documentary. "Oi gappy u want to ho to the chili contest with us?" asked my mom Okuyasi. "No can do mom, Im going and a date wit DIO tonight!" I said. They then looked over too me and, their eyes widened.

"Oh my Gapan, u look so beautiful! Im so prude of you!" said Okuyahu, hugging me. "Thanks mum". "Yes, you look great Gapan, I'm so glad ur dating an elogent man like DIO, he isn't like dat scoundrel Kakyoin!" Gyro said. I blushed.

Just then, the doorbell rang! It must have been DIO! "Let urself in" said Gairo. The door flew open, and I saw DIO floating over the ground, wearing a royale purple tuxedo, with hearts on his gloves and knees, but he still had the same shoes. He flashed his gorgeous red eyes at me, and I blushed. He floated down. "Hello everyone, I assume you are Gapan's famile?" he asked. "Yes, that would be right" said Gyro.

He shook hands with DIO. Then DIO moved to me. "Let us go, Gapan" he said, then floating up to take me out. "Oh wait!" Garo siad. "Don't forgor your steel ball, I want u to be safe" he said, handing me my steel ball. "We'll be going to the chili contest, call us if u need anything!" Okuyasu called out. Valentine continued to cry to Dunkurk. I waved goodbye, and them me and DIO went over to his limosine.

I gazped. The limosine was all blacks, and I could see a blood red inside. It also had a golden listence plate on the back that said "DIO" in bold gothic letters. "I call dis car: Sinking Coffin. I named it after some of my traumas". said DIO. He got in the front and I went next to him. "OMG DIO, I cants believe u did this all for me!" I said excitedley. We frenched, and then DIO sped off.

We drove peacefully fro ten minutes, but then, I haeard starange noises in the back, that sounded like Frenching! "Wait, DIO, whait is going on back there?" asked I. I reached out to pull back the shaded window. "Wait, do no-"

Befofe i listened to him, I pulled back the windows, and saw somthing that shocked me! It was f

In the backseats of the limo, I saw Kimmi and Whitestruck frenching on the floor! "What the fuck are you guys doing there?" I asked. they looked up in surprise. "Oh my goodness!" said Whitesnake, falling off Kimmi. 

Kimpossible got up and flicked her blonde hair with a magenta stripe in it to the side. She was wearing black fishnets all across her body, and was wearing a pink version of her outfit that looked like a japanese school uniform with killer queen pads on her shoulders. She had a lightning bolt tatoo ruining across her left eye that made her look just like David Blowie. She also had triple hoop earings.

"So sorry, Gappy, we meant this to be a surprise" she said, giggling. "What do you mean?" I asked. "DIO wanted to help us celebrate our one year anniversary, so he offered us to go on a double date with you!" said Jimmin. 

I turned to DIO. "Is she right?" I asked. "Yes, I didn't know if u wanted to or not, so I wanted to surprise you." he said. I plated a kiss on his cheek. "U didn't need to surprise me, I would have loved to!" I said. He smiled warmly. I shut the windown to the back so that Kimmi and Witeshack could do their stuff ;)

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