chapter 8

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"Please Caitlin don't do this we don't want to hurt you." Begged Mom. "No I'm good and really cap and clint theses are the avengers you chose to help you stop me." I laughed. As I messed with clints mind and watched a collapsed on the ground. "Stop it." Mom yelled as she tried to blast me with her magic but I blocked and countered her attack with my own. I then while mom was distracted trapped cap in a block of ice. "Hello please someone let me out." He said as he started to use his shield to break the ice. now that both my parents where distracted I flew outside only to be meet by Ironman, Antman, Wasp, Thor and Spiderman. "Peter please leave I don't want to hurt you." I begged. "I cant and I cant let you hurt the avengers." Peter replied. "Thor I see you found Mjolnir." I smirked "I did and Know I'm going to stop you." Declared Thor as he summoned lightning and hit me casing me to fall on the ground. Ironman came over to me and I used Thor's lightning I caught and throw it onto him causing his suit to malfunction.

I looked over to see Nat and My parents running outside so I got up and began attacking them. Mom and dad both flew up and where floating right in front of me. "Please stop, whatever reason you have for hating us you can tell us and we will help you." Pleaded vision. "No, you never loved me so stop pretending you care now." I cried as I knocked dad out of the air with my magic, mom flew down and caught him before he could get seriously hurt. I then felt something on my arm it was a web. "Peter please leave I don't want to hurt you." I begged. "I cant do that." Peter said as he started trying to tangle me up in his webs. "I'm sorry peter." I said as I thought him into one of his webs and used my magic to keep him stuck to the web.

"Why are you doing this?" Questioned Nat.

"Because you all abandoned me, you guys where never there. I needed you and none of you where there. I hate all of you." I screamed as I momentarily lost control of my powers and blast of magic going though me and knocking everyone down.

"You guys abandoned me, you didn't care and you stopped loving me. My own father didn't even care or love me. I'm me because of you, this is all your fault." I said as I walked over to nat. "And you Nat you where my best friend and you just left me, I need you more then anything after my mom died and you weren't there. why was I not good enough for you, why did you abandoned me" I screamed. Nat just looked at me speechless not knowing how to answer. I had my magic coming out of my hands and I was so close to killing Nat and the rest of the Avengers.

"Noooo" Mom screamed as she hit me with her magic. I feel back but got back up and flew up into the air, mom following me. "I can feel you pain, I know your hurting but this isn't the way to cope with your emotions. hurting people especially your family is never okay." Mom said

"You abandoned me, so you don't have the right to say anything. you don't even know me." I scoffed. "I thought you said I died?" Mom questioned.

"you did on a mission with the avengers and before you left you promised you would be home by dinner time but hours past and you never came home. I need you, Billy and tommy needed you and you abandoned us, Me. I needed my mom not the scarlet witch." I cried.

"Caitlin even thought you've only been here for a few days, I already love you and would do anything to protect you. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to watch you grow up. I know how hard that is I lost both my parents and my brother. I know how hard it is to not that pain and anger take over because I've bee there and I did a lot of things I'm not proud of. I hurt people, I almost killed my friend and the love of my life but I was able to redeem myself and so can you, I know there is still good in you. Please don't go down the same path I did. Be better then me." Mom said as brushed her fingers thought my hair.

I flew back down and collapsed on the ground as I finally broke. I felt mom pull me into her arms as I cried. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I cried. "I Know baby I know." Mom said as she just held me in her arms. I felt someone else touched me and I looked over to see my dad who came over and hugged me and mom. We stayed there for awhile until I was pulled away by Ironman and placed in handcuffs. "Stark what are you doing with my daughter." Mom yelled. "Locking her up so she cant hurt anyone." Explained Stark. "Stark no you don't have to do that I can mitigate her powers with mine." Insisted Wanda. "We cant take that risk Wanda." Cap Explained. "Its okay mom, I'll be okay, this isn't the first time ive been arrested by the avengers." I explained as Stark lead me away.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter the next one will be up soon.

be better then me: the story of Wanda and visions daughterWhere stories live. Discover now