chapter 4

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mom, dad and I sat in moms room watching sitcoms which is something I haven't done sense mom died. It was weird being in the same room as her, she looked a little younger then I remembered her. I cuddled up in between my parents as I began to fall asleep. "Vision I think she's asleep." mom said as she brushed her fingers throw my hair. "I believe she is darling, I'll let you two get some rest. good night darling." dad said as he floated out of the room. I slept for a few hours before I woke up. I looked over at the clock and it read 3 am. I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep so I quietly left the room. I walked around the compound before ending up in the living room. I just sat there and decide to watch some TV.

"Cant sleep?" Nat asked as she came and sat next to me.

"Yeah, what are you doing up." I said as I turned towards her.

"Nightmares." Nat Said.

"red rom?" I asked.

"No...but how do you know about the red room?" Nat question.

"you...and your sister Yelena." I said.

"You knew about Yelena?" Nat inquired

"Know about her? I've met her, she's comes to visit you all the time." I explained.

I laid my head on Nat's shoulder, I didn't realize how much I missed talking to her but she wasn't my Nat at least not yet. Nat and I Just sat there watching sitcoms until I eventually fell asleep.

later that morning

"There she is Vis, I wonder what she's doing out here?" Mom questioned. "Caitlin, Caitlin wake up sweetie." mom said as she tried to wake me up. "Sweetie what are you doing sleeping out here?" mom asked. "I couldn't sleep so I came out here to watch TV."I explained. "Well go get dressed Nat and I are going to start your training.." Mom smiled. "ok but I don't have anything other then what I'm wearing." I said. "you can borrow anything from my closet and Nat and I will take you shopping later." Mom replied. "Ok I said as I went to my moms room. I opened my moms closet and went thought it. I picked out a black shirt and jeans and put on my red jacket with my black fingerless gloves on and started to walk down to the training room.

as I was walking down the hall I passed by Tony's office and to my surprise It was empty. I looked around and found a small corner where there where no camera's and I used my magic to make myself invisible. funny enough the invisibility spell was one of the first spells I learned. I learned it during one of the many trips to the sanctum, where I would sneak into the library and teach myself spells. I then walked over to tony office and typed in the password which in my time is Morgan but of course it didn't work so I just used my magic to hack it. I walked in and creped over to his Ironman suit and Pulled some of the wire and connect them to other parts of the suit. After I finished I closed the suit and left. Right before I got to the training room I undid the spell and walked in to see mom and Nat talking.

"Oh good you're here, Lets start your training." Nat said.

I nodded as I walked over to them. "Ok lets see where you are with your powers, Me Vs you. "Mom said. I Looked at mom like she was crazy. "You want me to fight you, The most powerful Witch in history." I stated. "relax I'm not going to hurt you, I'll take it easy I promise." Mom reassured me. "ok." I said still a bit scared. "Ok lets start easy, try to hit me with your powers." Mom Said. I took a deep breathe and blasted my mom with my magic but of course she countered with her magic. I flew up in to the air and dodged it. I tried to get into my moms mind but she was blocking me out and I couldn't get passed it. "

Ok stop. good so I can see you have pretty good control over your powers but I can tell your holding back." Mom stated.

"No I'm not." I protested.

"I know theses powers can be scary and overwhelming sometimes and you-."

"I'm not afraid of my powers." I scoffed as I blasted my mom with my powers but of course she blocked it with her own and then blasted her powers at me. I instinctive created a magic shield around myself which deflected moms powers "So you where holding back, Also that shield you conjured up is pretty cool but you need to be able to dodge things without using a shield or magic so that's where I come in." explained Nat. "Nat you've already trained me to fight." I stated. "Ok then lets see what you've got and no powers." Nat said.

Nat and mom traded places and then we locked eyes. "Ok Caitlin try to hit me." Nat said. I knew I had to catch Nat off guard so I knew I had to let Nat think she one. I lunged towards Nat and tried to punch her but she blocked it and knocked me down on the ground. "We can stop if you want?" Nat provoked. "No I'm good! I insisted as I used my legs to knock Nat off her feet. "We can stop now if you want?" I mocked. "Good move." Nat replied. "I know." I replied as we both got up. "But not as good as this." Nat said as she tried to punch me but I caught her fist and throw her over my shoulder."That was really good." Nat complemented. "Thank you and I know you let me win." I accused. "I did not." Nat denied. "yes you did, you always do and you know how I know?" I asked. "No?" she questioned. "Because your not going full Black widow because if you where I would not be able to beat you atleast without my powers." I Explained. "How do you know that?" questioned Nat. "Because I've fought you when you where going full Black widow and you beat me." I explained. "We what now?" asked Nat. "It was during training and I figured out you where letting me when so I Told you to stop going easy on me and um lets just say I lost and ended up avoiding you for a week because I was terrified of you." I explained. "How old where you?" Nat questioned. "I was 8,I also used to try and spy on you whenever i was here at the avengers compound because I thought you where so cool and you would pretend to not notice." I added.

We both laughed. Nat was about to ask another question when Bruce came running in. "Tony is calling an avengers meeting and asked me to come get you and Wanda. "Ok will be there in a minute." Mom replied. "Ok Nat and I have to go, so we will come and find you after the meeting. "Ok." I replied as I watched them leave the room.

This was the perfect time to start recking havoc on the avengers.

Alright hope you enjoyed this chapter. the next one will be up soon.

be better then me: the story of Wanda and visions daughterWhere stories live. Discover now