chapter 7~ i (attempted) running

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'ok ,yeah, that's what i'm going to do' i decided quickly running everything through my head at an insane speed 'through the door round the side of the house ,next to the kitchen, avoiding that step that creaks on the stairs. then back to the streets for as long as i could before social services finds me again' jesus. two days here and already mapped out like that. what can you do i guess.

i mean these people are nice, it's not their fault just mine. not their problem pass me running though is it.

i packed basically everything i owned in my wreaked backpack, leaving the new stuff i got today, the least i can do is leave it for their next foster. i looked at my guitar in the corner, i love that old thing so much. the last thing my dad ever gave me. but right now it would be wayyyy to risky to even attempt to bring it, anyway knowing people like this they'll just give it to my social worker and i'll get it back eventually.

ok, now the hard part. it wouldn't be the first time running. but it had never happened this early, (a small exception for house 14 in which i lasted precisely 3 hours,12 minutes and 28 seconds)
i hadn't been able to properly get a feel for the house. like if the side door is loud or the exact steps and floor boards that creak. you know the important things.

i just couldn't take this life anymore. being shuttled from house to house like and object. often leaving with more trauma than i arrived with. but that's just life,right? no. no second thoughts i'm leaving.

i read the small clock on my (can i even call it that?) bedside table '3:34 am' ok everyone should be asleep we're good to go.

i made my way out of the bedroom closing the door behind me, silent. ok we're good, down the stairs, avoiding that one step. all good so far. through the hall into the kitchen. i could see the side door now, thank fuck, almost out. almost back to a few glorious days of freedom, then a whole new foster family.

carefully unlocking the door.
hand on the doorknob.
twisting it.

yes, yes, yes.

opening the door.

the kitchen light suddenly flicked on.
'fuck. shit. jesus fuck.'

'um where do you think your going?'



very sudden update here haha, sorry i disappeared just didn't think i would finish it lol but decided why not!
after re-reading i really do apologise for my honesty atrocious spelling and grammar and my straight bad story telling skills. anyways new update tomorrow (i hope) and happy new year!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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