Made For Loving You (JVH624)

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to tell him today."

"You're going to CONFESS?!"

Yue took a deep breath, gingerly brushed the bangs out of her eyes, and nodded. She knew why Jiaqi was concerned but everything was going to be alright. Just last week, on one of their walks home, Yue had asked Yang ge if he liked anyone and the boy had smiled at her in response. A shy, self-conscious smile but his eyes had been warm and happy, and it had all been directed at her. She almost blurted out her confession right then but his mom called him in for an early dinner and she missed her chance.

Well, she certainly wasn't going to miss her chance today. Closing her eyes and letting out a slow and steady breath, she fully gathered her nerves before resolutely standing up and marching towards him.

This was it. Her life was going to change, she just knew it.


Good God, Chen Xiao was unwaveringly persistent. Dylan had very long legs, the conditioning of a hard-trained basketball player, and a decent head start; yet there she was, closely tailing him, still calling out his name despite him obviously ignoring her. His best friend Caesar was trying his damnedest to distract her but his best was nothing compared to Chen Xiao's stubborn determination. Thankfully, Caesar's efforts were not for nothing because it did buy Dylan some time. Not much, but just enough.

Dylan moved faster, cutting his way across the quad in an attempt to get to the boy's locker room. Even Chen Xiao wouldn't dare enter lest she face the wrath of Coach Jiong. But in his haste, Dylan failed to watch where he was going and his hard body collided with something small and soft... something that squeaked like a little kitten... something that was hanging tightly to his waist and desperately trying not to fall onto the grass.

Something that was definitely slowing down his getaway.

"Look, I'm sorr-" he began to say when he heard his name being called again. God help him, Chen Xiao was quickly approaching and she had dragged the entire cheerleading team with her. That could only mean one thing - she was going to confess again. It was a deliberate and strategical move designed to make him accept; she knew he had no issue turning her down when they were alone, but gossip would fly and he'd be known as the biggest jerk on campus if he turned her down in front of all these people.

Gritting his teeth, Dylan's sharp eyes flitted around the quad as he tried to plot his escape; relief flooded his body when he spotted an opening to the left. With expert precision, he employed his most impressive spin move and found himself... stuck? Too late, he noted with panic that the fierce kitten was still hanging around his waist in an attempt to right her balance. Damn it, he had completely forgotten about her!

"Look, I don't mean to be rude but -"

"But you didn't mean to run me over?"

Dylan glanced down warily, fully expecting an immature girlish tirade, but what he found was a pair of laughing brown eyes and a mischievous smile that was punctured on the top right corner by the most intriguing mole. He didn't think he'd ever be able to unsee that mole, not for the rest of his life. "Sorry," he apologized sheepishly before flashing a sincere smile. She smiled back and cheerfully said, "It's alright. I'm just glad that for once in my life I'm not the clumsy one." It was an unexpected response that begged the question - just how clumsy was she and why? - but what threw him off even more was that there was something very familiar about her even though they'd never met. He suddenly recognized her as Yang Yang's neighbor, the one who was always studying while she waited for him to finish practice. What was her name again?

"Um, were you going to let go or...?"

Dylan almost blushed when he realized he'd been so busy staring at her that he didn't notice she was still in his arms. He released her and was about to apologize again when her eyes locked onto something behind him and her demeanor completely changed. A determined look came over her face and she suddenly said, "Gotta go. Just watch where you're going next -"

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