Chapter 34 - Shimura

Start from the beginning


4 days

It had been 4 fucking days since Izuku was taken from them and they didn't have any leads so far! It's like he vanished off the surface of the earth! That and the fact Hisashi was basically arrested didn't help either. UA had taken him into custody but he refused to officially confess to any accusations until his son was rescued, which is why he was allowed to work with the heroes even though they were wary of him.

Instead of focusing their efforts on searching for Izuku, they tried to get the teens to confess about the things they heard or knew about the man, but everyone was keeping their mouth shut. That's where Tenko found himself right now, face to face with All Might of all people after he came to UA to check up on his dad.

"What do you know about All For One?"

It wasn't the first time he asked that question, but Tenko hadn't given him a straight answer yet.
"My brother hasn't done anything wrong" the red eyed boy stated, like he told him so many times before.
"He may have a powerful quirk, but so do you and I don't see people chasing you around in order to lock you up! So why don't you put all that energy into finding him instead of trying to push accusations onto my father!"

"You know those accusations aren't pulled out of thin air" All Might hissed.
"Oh do I now?" Tenko countered, flinching as the hero slammed his hand down on the table, causing the wood to crack under the pressure.
"You already confessed to knowing about the quirk! About the fact your adoptive father handed it down to Izuku Midoriya!" All Might yelled.

"I never said that!" Tenko shouted.
"But you did know!" the hero exclaimed.
"You can't prove that" Tenko hissed, feeling an itch rise up from underneath his skin. It was a sign his quirk was surfacing, tingling and ready to be used. His gloves were stopping it from working though, so his instincts were suppressed. At least, for now...

"The sooner you confess, the sooner this will be over with" All Might stated.
"I'm pretty sure it's against the law to confine a citizen without any accusations and that heroes aren't even allowed to officially arrest someone without the police giving clearance first" Tenko said, leaning back in his chair.
"And I also have a right to see my father, who you took into custody illegally by the way, and the only reason he's still here is so he can help look for my brother because you have no ground to stand on"

Choosing to study law in college was finally paying off, who would've thought? The twitching vein on All Might's face also brought a great satisfaction, so that was another benefit.
"You know what? I'll play along for a little bit" Tenko smiled.
"I do know about a special overpowered quirk, yours to be exact. One For All, a quirk passed on from person to person, accumulating strength over time and giving you the power you have right now. Do your colleagues know about that one? I don't think so, to be honest"

"He told you" All Might gritted out, making Tenko shrug.
"What are you? The eight wielder, right? Hm, and none of the seven other people were a match for All For One? Kinda pathetic if you ask me"
"Don't talk about my master like that!" the hero roared, breaking the table as he smashed his hand down upon the wood once again. Tenko whistled, pushing his chair back a bit to increase his distance to the man.

"Sensitive topic huh? Well guess what, your master wasn't strong enough and neither are you-"

Before he could finish his sentence, All Might already pushed him out of his chair and against the wall. The man was twice as large as him, towering over him with his intimidating figure and threatening aura. Tenko wasn't someone who was easily scared though and he knew that if the hero hit him, All Might would be in bigger trouble than he was in. So he simply tilted his head and smiled, deciding this was the perfect moment to play out his trump card.

"Do you know what my last name was before the Midoriya family adopted me? Or did you only check Izuku's background while you obsessed over All For One?" Tenko mused, groaning when the pressure on his body increased as All Might shoved him into the wall. Fucking hell, at this point he wouldn't even be able to tell him! He needed to get it out quick, no more games.
"It...ugh... It was... Shimura"

With that All Might's grip loosened instantly and Tenko felt like he could breathe again.
"Tenko Shimura, that's the name I was born with" he continued.
"Sounds familiar, right?"
"You're making this up just to mess with me" All Might hissed. Ah yes, denial is the first stage of everything...

"Nope, you can look it up, it's on my birth certificate" Tenko added.
"Nana Shimura, your master, the seventh holder of One For All as you know her... Well, she was also my grandmother"
You're lying!" All Might yelled.
"I'm not!"

Tenko flinched when All Might raised his hand, screwing his eyes shut as he waited for an impact that never came. When he glanced up again, he noticed the white capture scarf of Eraserhead wrapped tightly around All Might's arm, holding him back from hitting him.
"That's enough. If you hit another person I don't need Nezu to get you fired, understand?" Aizawa stated, his tone stern and annoyed. He was done with this man's bullshit.
"Now, Hisashi felt a connection to Izuku, we have a general idea of where he could be taken"

"You do?" Tenko gasped. This was the best news he has heard in days!
"Yes and I'm only saying this so you-" Aizawa hissed, glaring at All Might.
"-can stay as far away from that area as possible. I don't want you anywhere near Izuku Midoriya, is that clear? You're not involved in this rescue mission"
"You don't have the authority to pull me out of this-" All Might started, only to get cut off.

"Actually I do. Or did you forget your restraining order?"

Tenko bit his lip to keep himself from laughing but he couldn't suppress a snort. The number one hero held back from going after his nemesis by something as simple as a restraining order... Oh god, that was absolutely hilarious, he was loving it! Seeing the man seethe in anger clearly didn't impress Shouta, whose deadpan look continued to linger on his face. After that his eyes fell on Tenko, the oldest Midoriya child.

"I take it you're here to see your father?"
"Y-yes! I wanted to see how he was doing but I got, uh, intercepted, you could say" Tenko told him, walking over to the black haired teacher.
"I understand, it won't happen again" Aizawa said, glaring at All Might while speaking.
"Come on, I'll bring you to him. We're preparing search parties to go out and look for your brother and our intel gathering has indicated that-"

The underground hero continued to fill in the boy as they left the room, leaving All Might alone to simmer in his own anger. Unbelievable... This was fucking unbelievable! The worst part was that UA was taking Eraser's side! That all heroes were willing to work with All For One! All For One! The man who killed his master! Who killed countless others! Who destroyed lives! He wasn't even being interrogated!

All because his son was missing! Ugh, the sooner they find that kid, the sooner All Might can get their priorities straight again... Yes, he'll rescue Izuku whether they want it or not! He'll prove who the real hero is and get his revenge on the Midoriya's! He'll show the world what he's capable of! That he is the true number one hero! That he symbolizes peace and justice and that all who oppose him are villains! He'll show them, even if it's the last thing he'll do!

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