Chapter 33 - Holding Down The Fort

Start from the beginning

"He almost went on a rampage so the teachers gave him a sedative" Todoroki explained as Hisashi carefully put Izuku down on one of the futons.
"A little bit of an overkill, if you ask me" Hisashi frowned.
"Well you didn't see the way he acted before" the halfa muttered. He sounded somewhat...bitter. It was then that Hisashi noticed the way his fists clenched at his sides, the serious and angered look on his face... This kid was barely keeping it together.

"Those monsters... They're here for him, aren't they? For his quirk?" Shoto asked, glaring at the ground.
"We won't let them take him" Hisashi stated, trying to sound more convincing and confident than he felt. Of course he had faith in the number one hero, but there were more Nomu than he expected and the doctor is a resourceful person... Who knows what else that man was hiding up his sleeve?

"Barricade the doors and windows! We've got a wave of monsters incoming!"

Hisashi perked up at that, quickly returning to the hall to see students busy at work, all hero teachers now inside, as well as his children. The stubborn teenagers that tagged along without his permission, but were proving their worth nonetheless.
"I managed to touch four of them, but it only killed one..." Tenko frowned as he stared at his hand.
"Their regeneration is crazy"

"Regeneration consumes a lot of energy though, so you're definitely wearing them down" Hisashi said.
"It's just that there's so many of them... I didn't expect him to have expanded his research to this extent by now, especially without my resources-Ack!"
While Hisashi was muttering, All Might pinned him down against the wall, causing Dabi, Tenko and Himiko to fall into a battle stance as if it was second nature to them.

It put everyone in the room on edge and the tension was quickly rising.
"You know this man, don't you All For One?" the hero hissed. His patience ran out long ago and now that he was finally face to face with the man that killed his master, he could barely keep himself from killing him on the spot. Hisashi wasn't surprised he found out. Something must've happened with the doctor or he must've seen his son use his quirk or maybe both or something entirely else, it was all possible.

"Y-yes, I know him" Hisashi choked out, his hands clenching All Might's as the hero kept a firm grip on his throat.
"He's after Izuku... After h-his quirk... But you already knew that, d-didn't you? Also, don't call me A-All For One... Has a bad...connotation, don't you think?"
"You're in no position to make demands, you monster-" All Might growled, putting more pressure on his throat before Eraserhead stepped in and pulled the two apart.

"Stop it. You're the number one hero for crying out loud so behave like it" Aizawa hissed, clearly angry at the lack of control this man was displaying.
"And you. You know about the Nomu's quirks, right? Do you know their weaknesses?"
"All of their abilities are deprived from All For One" Hisashi stated, rubbing over the sensitive skin of his neck now that he was finally freed.
"We used to work together when I was know"

"Don't act like you changed! Just because you passed on your quirk to your son doesn't mean your sins are forgiven!" All Might yelled.
"You haven't atoned for the hundreds of lives you took! Let alone the thousands of lives you ruined and manipulated! Or the destruction you left in your wake!"
"You can yell at me all you want when this is over, but right now I'd like to focus on keeping everyone here safe! That's your job right now, isn't it All Might?!" Hisashi hissed.

"He's right, Midoriya isn't the most imminent threat right now" Aizawa commented.
"So get your priorities straight and help the students fortify the cabin. Reinforcements should be on their way by now so we'll just have to hold them off until-"
"You knew about this" All Might gaped, shocked by the revelation. Eraserhead knew about Hisashi... For how long..? Why did he never say anything..?

"You knew about All For One's identity! You knew about young Midoriya's quirk too, didn't you?!"
"And I never told you because I thought you'd react like a madman and now my suspicions have been confirmed" Shouta countered.
"Or did you already forget how many students were harmed during your little experiment at the USJ?!"

By now all of the students were staring wide eyed at the argument, murmurs slowly rising up as the information sank in. Midoriya's father was a villain and somehow gave his quirk to his son. A quirk that was also somehow related to those things that were attacking them right now... And if that wasn't shocking enough already, Aizawa sensei also revealed that All Might himself was behind the USJ sabotage! No wonder UA didn't investigate it any further! Why did they just accept that?!

It was one thing to allow the son of a villain into the hero course. He still had the benefit of the doubt and as long as his father was kept under surveillance, he wouldn't be able to pull anything, right? But to allow a man to continue teaching after he put his students in danger..? That was something most of them couldn't understand... All Might was supposed to be the good guy, a hero! A teacher! Not someone who'd hurt them...

Before anyone could say anything else, a loud roar echoed through the cabin as the building rumbled. There was a crashing sound coming from down the hall, making Hisashi freeze up. The bedrooms were that way... The room where Izuku was resting... People around him quickly drew the same conclusion and ran towards the noise, the sound of explosions accompanying them, telling them Bakugou woke up as well.

Yeah, the ash blonde woke up when he heard the commotion outside. All Might yelling something, loud thuds as if things were falling over... Was he fighting someone..? It took him about 3 seconds to finally remember the situation, instantly waking him up. He groaned, still somewhat fuzzy and dizzy from whatever mixture Vlad King had given him. The roaring wasn't helping either... Wait, roaring?

He frowned, glancing around, only to see Deku laying a little further away. When did that idiot show up? About damn time! By the looks of it, he overexerted himself. No surprise there... Katsuki sighed, a small smile rising on his lips. At least the nerd was okay... That thought might've screwed him over though, because not a second later, a giant Nomu burst through the wall, roaring and screeching as if its life depended on it.

It was obnoxious and deafening. Katsuki was already having a headache and this shit wasn't helping! But at least now he knew where that roaring earlier came from... Its eyes snapped towards Midoriya when it finally stopped screaming, making Katsuki tense up. Ah fuck. He quickly scrambled up to his legs, stumbling over towards Izuku like a frightened animal before blasting the Nomu as hard as he could. No way this fucker was taking this moron with him!

His explosions weren't doing as much as he'd like though, seeing the sedative was still wearing off and his arms still felt quite numb. Luckily a wall of ice rose between them and the Nomu the moment Todoroki ran into the room, followed by several others.
"We've been breached!" someone yelled, but Katsuki couldn't identify who.
"Are you okay?" Shoto asked, pulling both of them as far away from the Nomu as possible.

"Fucking peachy, what the hell do you think icyhot?!" Bakugou snapped, his eyes landing on Hisashi not a moment later.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"You really think I'm going to let my son be taken by that crazy maniac?" Hisashi scoffed, flinching when the beast broke through the ice wall Shoto put up earlier.

"Move!" Dabi hissed, using his quirk to make the Nomu back off, accidentally setting a part of the cabin on fire.
"Good fucking job, flamebrain!" Katsuki hissed as smoke started forming in the room.
"Oi, I don't need whining from a guy who can't even blast one of these things away!" Dabi countered.
"I was sedated you bastard-!"

"Alright, that's enough! Save your bickering for later, we need to get out of here!" Hitoshi called out, pulling Katsuki with him as the others backed off as well.
"Let me go! I can take that thing on no problem!"
"No you can't" Aizawa hissed, pushing the students behind him.
"Leave this to the pros and get to safety!"

Everything after that was an unorganized hassle and if someone asked anyone what exactly happened that day, they wouldn't be able to recall. It was just a rush of adrenaline and chaos, to be honest. The only thing most were able to recall clearly, was the moment when one of the Nomu held an unconscious Izuku in its arms. The way his body looked so frail and vulnerable as the black portal opened up behind the beast before it carried the boy away. No one was able to stop the doctor from taking him... There were just too many of them...

And then there was the pained scream, calling out Izuku's name as he vanished from sight. A sound that would forever haunt their dreams.

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