Chapter 29 - A Trip to the Mall

Start from the beginning

They were all pieces they wanted to try on and Izuku had happily volunteered to carry them for them while they were still shopping, glad to be of help. Iida was somewhere else in the store, but they could still see him from their aisle.
"I'm not looking for anything in particular, so I can come with you" Tsuyu added while holding up a green sweater with a cartoon frog on the front of it.

"Oh, that's so cute! You should definitely buy it!" Uraraka squealed.
"You really think so?" Asui asked.
"What do you think, Midoriya?"
Before Midoriya could answer, someone else spoke up behind him.

"Seriously? A frog in a frog sweater? That's just ridi-Ack!"

Izuku just managed to see Tenko elbowing Dabi into his side as the dark haired teen broke off his sentence.
"Sorry about that, Izuku. I hope we're not interrupting anything?" Tenko apologized with a smile while Dabi grumbled and rubbed his side.
"You know them, Deku-kun?" Uraraka asked quietly. If he did they'd probably be boys who live or have lived with him, right? In his father's wayward house?

"Oh, let me introduce you guys!" Izuku smiled, turning towards his friends.
"This is Tenko, my older brother, and Dabi, his boyfriend. Ah, and uh, these are Uraraka-san and Tsu-chan"
"It's so nice to finally properly meet you guys! I saw some of Izuku's friends during a study session at our house but I didn't want to interrupt anything" Tenko chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

"Again sorry about this idiot, he doesn't have a filter"
"Hey!" Dabi exclaimed, frowning.
"Oh shut up" Tenko mumbled.
"It's uh nice to meet you too!" Uraraka answered, forcing a smile.
"Yeah, a real fucking pleasure, now let's go" Dabi groaned, pulling Tenko with him.

"I don't want to intrude, but do you think they might've gotten into a fight or something? They didn't really act like a couple to me" Asui asked once the two boys were out of sight.
"Oh that? No, they're always like that. I guess Dabi just didn't get what he wanted or something and now he's all whiny about it" Izuku shrugged.
"Well, they're certainly interesting" Uraraka chuckled.

"And you don't look like your brother at all, Deku-kun! I wouldn't be able to tell the two of you are related if you hadn't said anything"
"That's probably because Tenko is adopted" Izuku pointed out.
"Oh..! That does explain things I guess. He seems like a nice guy" Uraraka smiled.
"But his boyfriend did make me hesitate though... A person with a frog quirk wearing a frog sweater is kinda weird, isn't it?" Asui asked.

"What? No! Don't listen to that jerk Tsu! You can wear whatever you want!"


Hitoshi was nervously fidgeting with the strings of his sweater while Hisashi drove them to UA. Exams were over and he got great grades plus they had footage of some training exercises he did in the training facilities against other kids that live there. These were all things Hisashi would use to try and convince UA to let him transfer or at least consider it after a test of their own or something.

So yeah, Hitoshi was freaking the fuck out. This could be his chance! But what if it was too early? What if UA rejected the idea? What if he couldn't get another chance? But what if he got in? What if he could actually join the hero course after summer break? His dream could become a reality... This whole thing was just so stressful and exciting all at once!

"Alright, you ready?" Hisashi asked as he parked the car.
"...I guess" Hitoshi sighed. He didn't want to be ungrateful, no, he was happy someone was willing to invest so much into his dream. But that didn't mean he wanted this confrontation... The fear of losing it all was something so ingrained into his mind it was hard to let go of the feeling.

"We've got everything we need to convince them, there is nothing to worry about, okay?" Hisashi smiled.
"You'll see. Everything is gonna be fine. Just let me work my magic"
Well, if he was as charismatic as his son, Hitoshi didn't have a reason to fear. Izuku could wrap anyone around his finger in an instant, although he wasn't sure whether or not it was one of his many quirks...

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