Chapter 26 - Training

Start from the beginning

"Midoriya, what do you mean, the essence of your father..?" Shinsou asked, confused and a little disturbed.
"Hisashi is your father, right..? Your biological father, I mean. He's... He's still pretty much alive but you make it sound like he's dead or something? And it's not his quirk, I mean, he showed me his fire breathing before so I know it's not his quirk, but what the fuck is this then?"

"Ah, uh, well, this uhm, this used to be my dad's quirk, if that makes any sense..?" Izuku tried, just digging a deeper hole for himself with every word he spoke. So he did what he always did when he was panicking: he started rambling.
"It's uh, it's complicated a-and I'm not supposed to talk about it but I guess I'm already talking about it, aren't I? Ha, oh fuck, I'm so screwed... Dad is gonna be so disappointed again and Aizawa sensei is probably going to suspend me or even worse and I'm not even-"

"Hey, hey, hey, breathe, it's okay" Shinsou said, grabbing his arms and trying to ground him.
"Take it easy, one step at a time, okay?"
"Yeah, okay" Izuku nodded, tears slipping past his eyes as he took a deep breath.
"Nobody is supposed to know, but I didn't always have my quirk. I was born quirkless and my dad gave this quirk to me, that's why a small part of him is still connected to it. Please promise me you won't tell anyone about this"

Hitoshi blinked. Okay, that was a lot to process... First of all, Midoriya was born quirkless. The guilt that came with hearing that sucker punched Shinsou in the gut. All the shit he said during the sportsfestival... Ah fuck, he'll have to apologize for that. Secondly there was the fact Hisashi had somehow managed to transfer a quirk to his son. Shinsou didn't know something like that was even possible. He'd never heard of it, anyway, and he understood why this had to remain a secret.

"So Hisashi gave you your telekinesis quirk somehow...and a part of his spirit is connected to it so you have that now and it pulls you out of my brainwashing" Shinsou repeated, wanting to make sure he was understanding this right.
"He protects me" Izuku confirmed.
"But, uh, my quirk isn't just telekinesis... I-I guess it's better to just come clean with everything right now so uhm do you have a minute to talk about this in my room?"


"Oh my fucking god, are you kidding me?!"
"It was an accident Kacchan!" Izuku whined, shielding his head with his arms as Katsuki started hitting him.
"You're fucking useless! Can't leave you on your own for a damn minute!" he complained while he beat his best friend. Shinsou recently discovered they have quite the unique relationship, All For One did little to change the image he had of them.

"And what is this bullshit about your dad hah?! Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this?!"
"I'm not even sure what it is myself! A-and I haven't told dad about it either!" Izuku yelled back, frowning as Katsuki glared at him.
"You're a fucking idiot, Deku" Katsuki deadpanned, turning towards Shinsou afterwards.
"And you better keep quiet or I'll make sure nobody will ever find your body"

"As threatening as always, Bakugou" Shinsou sighed with a small smile.
"So who else knows about this?"
"Uhm, well, my family, Kacchan, Kacchan's parents, uh, oh Aizawa sensei and uhm Todoroki-kun too" Izuku explained.
"And now you too, of course"

"Wait, Aizawa sensei knows about this?" Shinsou asked with wide eyes.
"But you said the heroes would arrest you if-"
"All Might is an annoying bitch and Aizawa sensei is a rational fucking person" Katsuki interrupted, irritated by this whole situation.
"So no, he isn't going to arrest Deku since he knows that moron wouldn't hurt a fly. Others probably won't be so chill about it"

"Right..." Hitoshi sighed.
"Nobody's going to hear anything from me, I promise. But Midoriya, you seriously need to talk to Hisashi about this"
"Insomniac is right, go talk to your old man" Katsuki stated.
"I will" Izuku whined as the blonde pulled him up from his chair.

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