Chapter 6 - Testing

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He smiled, making Katsuki roll his eyes. If the nerd wanted to lie to himself then that's his choice. The ash blonde should probably tell Tenko about this though... Yeah, he'll inform him after school, Katsuki was planning on walking back with Izuku anyway.
"Here" Eraserhead stated as he returned, holding out another strength measuring device.
"Thanks Aizawa sensei!" Izuku exclaimed, quickly getting the test over with.

The green head felt Todoroki looking at him as well, making him frown a little. Todoroki Shoto, last born son of Endeavor, biological brother to his older brother's boyfriend. It took years for Dabi to open up about his past. To come out to them as Todoroki Toya. He knew Shoto was enrolled at UA this year and Izuku could see it pained him. Maybe he should tell him his little brother seemed to be doing okay? That he didn't have to worry? But with a father like Endeavor...

- Flashback -

Dabi had been fidgety lately, jumping up at the smallest sounds and closing himself off more and more. Kurogiri brought this up with Hisashi and Izuku already noticed the same. But the person closest to Dabi, Tenko, was worried the most. His odd behaviour was probably due to the anniversary of his arrival in their family... The day was approaching and Tenko had a feeling it was somehow different this year.

"Tenko, do you know what Dabi's deal is lately?" Hisashi asked over family dinner. They didn't eat with the rest of the house on Sunday evenings, those were reserved for the small Midoriya family. Kurogiri could look after those kids on his own just fine for one night.
"There seems to be something troubling him, but he's not opening up to me"

"Yeah, I noticed the same thing! I'm getting worried..." Izuku sighed. The green haired boy was in middle school at the moment, but he didn't have a lot of friends there so he spent most of his time with the kids in the house.
"He's not talking to me either" Tenko sighed, poking his food. This really sucked...

"If he'll open up to anyone, it's you sweetie" Inko stated, pointing out their relationship without using the direct terms. Dabi and Tenko were boyfriends for some months now, half a year, maybe. Tenko nodded, wanting to agree with her.
"I'll try to talk to him tomor-"

He was cut off by a knock on the door, making the family look at the source of the noise all at once.
"Come in" Hisashi answered, taking a sip from his water as he watched Dabi enter. He was looking rather nervous, keeping his eyes on the floor as he closed the door behind him.
"I'm sorry to bother you during your family dinner thingy... I know I'm not supposed to come in here right now" he started.

"But, uh, there is something I've been, uhm, meaning to tell you guys..."
"Come, take a seat" Hisashi said, pulling out a chair. Everybody could see this was serious and they were all worried about what was about to follow.
"Thanks" Dabi said, sitting down and taking a deep breath.
"I guess you all know Dabi isn't my real name... Or at least not the name I was given by my biological parents"

His family... He'd never quite opened up about them. The only thing they knew about them was the fact his father was abusive and held a lot of power in the world. So much so that he was afraid that they'd root him out if he ever told them. That's how it used to be, at least. Up until now...
"I trust you all with my life a-and... And therefore I want to entrust you all with my name as well"

There was a shocked silence. Nobody had expected him to open up about something so big out of nowhere and they'd actually already kinda settled for never knowing his dead name, to call it that. He was Dabi in their eyes and he'd always be Dabi no matter what other name he used to have in the past.
"Are you sure..? You don't have to force yourself, we really don't care-" Tenko said, putting his hand on top of Dabi's.

"No, it's fine. It's about time anyway" the black haired man sighed.
"You guys are my family now and I want to share this with you"
"That's very brave of you, Dabi" Hisashi spoke with a small smile.
"Anyway, so, uhm, here goes nothing" Dabi whispered, taking a deep breath.

Izuku's eyes widened at that, his research in heroes unparalleled.
"Wait... Todoroki? As in Todoroki Enji? Endeavor?" the green head gasped, making everyone at the table realize the impact of what had just been said.
"Todoroki Toya... First born son of Endeavor" Dabi confirmed, nodding his head a little. He wasn't looking up at them and Tenko squeezed his hand a bit.

"I knew there was a reason he's so secretive about his family..." Hisashi muttered to himself.
"The media did report his eldest son died a little after his wife was permanently hospitalized..."
"Yeah uhm... Things weren't pretty back then" Dabi breathed, obviously pained by the memories of his previous life. Things weren't exactly perfect back then.

"Shoto, my uh, my little brother... Our mom poured boiling water over his face just because he looks like our father... She instantly regretted it, of course, she's not a monster, that asshole traumatized her for years a-and... And she tried to help him by using her freezing quirk... It, uh, it didn't make things better..."

Tenko pulled him in a hug almost instantly, Dabi clinging onto him immediately.
"Endeavor is a fucking ass" he muttered as Tenko rubbed his back.
"Isn't there anything we can do?" Izuku asked, looking at his parents.
"What if he is know? We have to stop him!"

"I get that you think like that honey, but it's not as easy as it seems" Inko sighed.
"Your mother is right, Endeavor is an incredibly powerful figure. Without any hard evidence, there is no way we can touch him" Hisashi agreed.
"I see why you were so hesitant to tell us, Da- I mean, Toya? What do you prefer we call you?"
"Dabi" he answered immediately.

"Definitely Dabi... Besides, I don't want the others to know about it yet... Toga will go wild and I'm not ready for that"
"Understandable" Hisashi nodded.
"Yeah, Himiko can be a little much sometimes..." Izuku chuckled.
"But I'm sure she won't tell anyone! She'd never betray her friends like that"

"Yeah, I know. She'll probably be pissed when she finds out I didn't tell her first" Dabi smiled.
"Ah, you always have such a positive outlook on things, don't you?" Tenko laughed, making Dabi roll his eyes.
"Oh shut up crusty"

- Present -

Izuku calmed down a lot after the tests in the morning. Probably because All Might was busy with his own classes and introducing himself to the third years and didn't have time to stalk their class the whole time. Katsuki noticed and his concern died down a bit. They both ended up in the top of their class and some purple headed small child got expelled. Nobody said anything about it, being glad and relieved it wasn't them.

"Did you guys notice that man spying on us during the tests?" someone whispered in the locker room while they changed back to their school uniforms.
"Wasn't that All Might?"
"All Might?! Really?!" someone gasped.
"But why would he be looking at our testing?" someone else asked. Izuku tensed up a little again, making Katsuki frown.

"He's probably scouting for potential" the ash blonde scoffed, grinning at the others.
"Bet none of you extras caught his eye"
"Hey!" Kaminari yelled, slightly offended.
"You should be more respectful towards your fellow classmates, Bakugou! It's not because you got second in the entrance exam that-" Iida started lecturing him, making Katsuki irritated.

"And how the hell do you know I placed second huh?!"
"Oh, I told him!" Izuku smiled, making the blonde glare at him.
"What? Second is still really good Kacchan!"
"You're just rubbing your fucking victory in my face, aren't you nerd?" Katsuki asked, scowling. He'd always been a sore loser...

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