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Nagito walked into a cafe, barley squeezing through the door with his dumptuck, shawty got the fatty, little boo thing ass. He noticed a red man with rock hard abs sitting at a table alone, so he went over to talk to him. 

"Hi mister blood clot 😊" Nagitoes said.

The man looked up. "What up bbg 😏" Nagiwagi blushed, he was so hot with his orange nose and his googly eyes. The hottest thing was prbly his oddly round head.

"😳 I-I uhm- I think youre hawt." Hope gremlin cried when he realized what he just said and ran, his fat ass jiggling, out the door.

"W-wait shawty 😩" Senor period yelled, chasing after him. 

He grabbed Nagitoe's arm and turned him around. "I-I like you too 🥺👉👈" he said.

Nagito gasped and then squeezed among us imposter's big man tit. "What's your name?" he asked. "Im.. Elmo" sus man said, "and you are?" 

"I-I'm Nagito- Nagito Komaeda 😊" Nagito squeezed Elmo's other huge tit. "But you can just call me the ultimate hope 🤩"

Elmo x Nagitoes 🥵Where stories live. Discover now