Start of the Apocalypse

Start from the beginning

Daniela got off of the bed and followed him to her room. Juan placed the huge duffel bag on her bed and started grabbing things that she would need. Daniela grabbed some of her stuff and put it in the bag. "Changuito (Little monkey), come here let me put this on you," Juan said as he gently grabbed her wrist and put on a silver chain bracelet with a small peanut pendant hanging from it. Once he latched the bracelet onto her wrist, he zipped up her bag and grabbed it. "Changuito (Little monkey), go help mamá with the food. Papá! ¿Quieres que ponga las bolsas en el coche? (Do you want me to put the bags in the car?)."

"He's outside hijo (son)," Camila said from the kitchen. Juan and Daniela, both went downstairs, and Juan made his way to the front door. He waved to Daniela to go toward the kitchen, which she obeyed and went into the kitchen to help her mamá put more food in the bags.

It was probably about three more minutes of just packing the food that everything was out and in the bag. As soon as they finished the two males entered the house and shut the door. They immediately made their way to the two females that were heading towards them.

"We have a full tank and some gas I took from the mowers, we are going now, let's go get in the car, cariño did you call mamá and papá?" Caesar asked, putting on his brown jacket and finally grabbing the last two bags.

"Yeah, they said they might meet us there, they also wanted to stay home," Camila said gently, placing her hand on Daniela's back and lightly pushing her towards the door. "Juan, you and Dani get in the car first."

Juan nodded toward her and gently placed his hand onto Daniela's back making her walk with him. He opened the door and went through it first, Daniela following him. They had seen that there were some of those things, around and as they were walking to the car those muertos (Walkers) started walking toward the noise which happened to be Daniela and Juan. Once Juan noticed what was happening, he opened the door and put Daniela in the car and closed the door. "Dani, you stay in there," Juan said looking at her before glancing to the muertos that were heading his way. "Papá, get out here."

Caesar opened the door and ran to the car placing the bags in the trunk and pushed Juan to the door. "Juanito, in the car, Camila come on," Caesar said, opening the door and pushing him to the door. He started the car and looked to Camila who was standing at the front of the house looking at the muertos. "Camila."

Caesar had gone over to her and Juan did the same thing. They tried to pull her from her spot, but she wasn't budging, from inside the house. Caesar wasted no time in picking her up but as he picked her up she had broken from his grip. "Cariño, I can't, let me stay here, I can't live, I won't survive," Camila said, shaking her head and standing there looking at the muertos that were walking to her.

"Juanito, in the car with Dani, now," Caesar yelled while Juanito followed his direction and hopped in the passenger seat. Caesar got his pistol out and shot one of the muertos in the chest, but once it wasn't affected, he shot another round into its head, then it dropped. The sight of something so human-like but so not at the same time, was enough to creep someone else but the sight that was in front of them was probably about a dozen of them that were heading towards the two fo them. "Camila, cariño, you need to come with me. Please, I don't know what I am doing with Dani, I need your help, you can't leave us." He kept on shooting but it attracted more of them over to their location.

The smell was not something someone could get used to, it is easily the most disgusting thing they had ever smelled before. The sewage reek that came off of them along with the grotesque gray skin, nasty teeth, and the eyes that held no light in them. It was something so un-human while also being human.

The consistent shots were slowly diminishing as he ran out of ammo. "I can't, I can't Caesar, I can't live in this world, you have to leave me and protect our hijos, you have to, it is your duty," She said, shaking her head and just staring at the scene in front of her.

"I can't let you go, not out here, not like this, not in this condition, your kids are in that car, waiting for you to get in, you can't abandon them, you can't," Caesar said looking towards the muertos and glancing back to her.

"I won't survive, so if you won't let me go, I won't give you an option," Camila said then started sprinting towards them. The first bite was taken out of her and her scream filled the air.

Caesar ran to the car and got in shutting the door. He slammed his fist on the steering wheel and then put the car in drive. He pulled out of the driveway and started to drive away from their house.

Daniela sat up to look at the gruesome scene in their front yard, but her eyes were covered before she could get a look. "No maní, you don't need to see things like that, not yet," Caesar said, making her look forward. "Look forward maní, to the road."

"Papá, those things don't die to a shot through the chest, how is that possible?" Juan asked, looking behind them before looking forward at the road. He did not know what to think, I mean what is there to think. There are these rabid humans that are biting and attacking people with no remorse, and only stop when hit in the brain. "Papá, could we have helped mamá?"

"Juanito don't think about it, we will get to the campsite and see what we can learn about them, so we know how to attack them," Caesar said, looking forward to the road. "We will figure this out, we always do. Maní you are gonna have to practice your shooting, with everything."

"My shooting? Papá I know how to shoot, but are we sure they aren't just sick? What is gonna happen to mamá, why would you save us over her?" Daniela asked overwhelming Caesar with questions. Her eyes were faced forward as she looked at the road or at her father's face in the rear view mirror. "The way she screamed papá, I-i can't forget that, she just screamed like she was dying, which she was, how could we leave her like that?"

"Maní, listen it was a last-minute decision, your mamá would have wanted me to choose you over her. Maní, I love you and Juan, so very much. There is a different type of love between me and your mamá than me and mi niños. You all are my babies and I have to protect you overall," Caesar explained to Daniela who looked towards his eyes in the mirror. "You all are my everything, and although your mom is also my everything, I have to put my kids first. And she would do the same."


Author's Note

This is kind of the rough version, but I wanted to get it out, so I guess it is what it is, I will work on it more, work on the details, but I need some kind of motivation to do that so here it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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