9. They Really Left Me? (Mika)

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I can't believe they'd actually leave me alone. I felt completely stumped, and disrespected. I only messed up a little. So what if I forgot that their special little snowflake wanted to be called "they" and not "she".  I stood up, leaving my tent and heading into the rest of the clearing.

"At least they left my camera here and I can try and get some decent pictures around here, because they're a bunch of useless assholes." My frustration carried into my voice, even when the object of my anger wasn't even around. "Where do they get off on abandoning me here? I just wanted to prove that Rose was being a stubborn little brat about the whole "nonbinary" or, what did she call it? "Two-spirit"? Thing was just her trying to be special. There's no way the two of them think that Rose is being serious about it. She doesn't even look androgynous to me." I started to wander around the clearing aimlessly, bored out of my mind. Maybe I should apologize. I was a bit mean about it... I shook my head, moving over to the spot where Ro had killed the mountain lion.

"God, I wish sh- they hadn't killed the poor kitty. She was probably just hungry and smelled their meat that they brought." I felt terrible for the animal that Emmet and Ro had killed. While I sorta understood why they had killed her instead of letting her go, I couldn't help but feel bad because, c'mon, who kills an animal for just being there? Both of them absolutely disgusted me. Neither of them felt bad for killing an animal, and even Inola didn't think what they did was wrong. I don't understand how she can be vegetarian and agree with them killing an innocent animal.


I had been wandering around along the trail we had taken the night before to get rid of the mountain lion's body. I just wanted to see if I could wander and make my way back with no issues, especially when I was all by myself, since the others were selfish and arrogant and didn't want me around. I really can not believe they just ditched me.

I wish I hadn't come out here with them. I knew they would prioritize every other little thing over me and my safety. They're such....ugh... What if I actually deserved being ditched this time? My thoughts just raced as I walked, following the dragging trail that had been left by the others dragging the corpse last night.

"I don't want to be here." My back hit a tree right off the trail. I rested my hands on my thighs, feeling the keyring with my apartment key in my pocket. This has Inola's spare key on it, I could always leave and take the car with me. Emmet will drive Inola back, and she and I can talk through everything when she calms down.

I sighed, shaking my head clear of that idea. Inola is mad enough that she would definitely report me for stealing her car, and then I might get arrested, which will give Mom even more of a reason to not act like my mom, and Dad may stop helping me pay for college.

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