"Meet me at Greendale where you cut me up Jones, with 1 million dollars and I'll bring your pretty little girlfriend to you. You better hurry though, I wouldn't want to be handing her to you in a body bag." She chuckled before shutting of the camera. This was all my fault. 

(Time skip to them getting over the traumatic experience they just witnessed and going over their plan.) 

"We can't get 1 million dollars by tonight!!" Sweetpea stated. 

"Don't you think I know that Sweets?!" I asked frustrated. 

"Hey! I've got an idea but it's pretty crazy." Cheryl said. 

"Isn't that your middle name?" I replied. 

"It's Marjorie, you hobo!" 

"Well then Cheryl, we need all the ideas we can get." I said. 

"Hey Toni, can you fit into a money bag?" 

(Now I know you must be thinking what is this tramp writing but I thought I would make it a little different and weird on how they get Betty back and well of course that's IF  they get Betty back). 

We all drove down to Greendale. Penny text us the time but we got their early so we could set up Cheryl's crazy plan. I hope it works. It was getting near the meeting time and we had just arrived at our destination. My hands were clammy with nerves. 

"Everyone take you places!" I ordered. As I lugged the money bag to our meeting point. Right now it was just me but then hell will probably break loose. I sat there for a while. It wasn't like Penny to be late. 

"Where's you posse Jones?" She asked 'innocently.' 

I sat up sharply, "I see you brought yours...Penny;Malachi." I spat with hatred. 

"How ya doin?" Malachi smirked. 

"I don't know, you kidnapped my girlfriend so how do you think I'm feeling?" 

They chuckled slightly. 

"Speaking of blondie...bring her out boys!!" 

Two large men dragged out my true love, her weak, petit body was limp, her feet scraping across the concrete. Blood dripped from her body and I gasped slightly at the sight. 

"Give me Betty, now!!" I growled my teeth gritted. 

"The money first!!" 

"I swear, Penny if you don't give me Betty now, I'll-" 

"Geez, geez okay!! Give him the girl!" She demanded and the two men threw Betty to my feet. I wanted to cradle her in my arms so badly but I had to do this first. 

"The bag." I lifted up the bag, grunting slightly at the weight. 

"Geez Jones, are you giving me the money in solid bars of gold!" Penny asked while others chuckled. 

"Oh, I've got something much better." I mumbled under my breath. 

I watched contently as Penny opened the bag. Suddenly Toni popped out grabbing Penny causing her to fall over before stabbing her in the stomach with a knife. "Attack!!" I shouted. All of the Serpents jumped out of their hiding spots and Penny's eyes widen. Just as we are about to attack the Ghoulies, Malachi screams for everyone to stop and we all freeze. Just when I had Betty in my arms. 

"Kill her!! But not the Ghoulies, we will stay off your turf if you leave our gang alone and leave Penny to bleed to death out here." Malachi stated defeated. We were all in shock. I walked up to him. 

"D-deal!" I said still in utter shock. 

"I'm just fed up with this war man. It's like a blood bath, I gotta tell you, I hate Penny, so let her die." 

"O-okay." I smiled, as much as I wanted revenge on all the ghoulies I didn't want to start something else up, so our revenge was killing Penny. 

"Ghoulies out!" And they left. The Serpents dealing with Penny while I ran to Betty. 

"Oh my gosh Betts!" 

Toni and Cheryl were stitching up her unconscious body. "It's pretty bad Jug." Toni says sadly. 

"Let's get her home." I smile worryingly. 

Betty's POV
I woke up to be in a very familiar bedroom. I could smell his cologne that I missed so much, I do not recall much from last night but I'm glad I'm home. 

"Jug!!" I shout my voice raspy. 

I heard skidding across the floors and I chuckled slightly. 

"Thank God!! You're awake!" He cried 

"Is Jughead Jones crying?" I asked tears slipping through my eyes too. 

"Shut up." He blushed. Before embracing me in a tight but soft hug. 

"I am never letting you go again!" We both laughed before sharing a deep kiss. 

"I love you my Juliet." 

"I love you too, my savior, my hero...." Everything suddenly went quiet. 

Like it was us against the world staring into each other's eyes. Finally happy. 

"My Romeo." 

Bughead Oneshots part 2Where stories live. Discover now