Epilogue: #Behir's Forever After💖

Start from the beginning

They both get ready and leave from Bela's home. Mahir starts the car but doesn't let Bela know where they are going, Bela turns towards him "Mahir where are we going.. tell me". Mahir just keeps smiling looking ahead without tell her anything, "Mahir tell na.. what's this.. you know na I won't be able to be in peace till I know".

Mahir just smiles "Just wait for some more time Bela.. you will know". Bela turns to the opposite side and crosses her arms over her chest "Huhh!! I hate you". Mahir just chuckles "Yeah yeah Sureee.. we both know the truth.. marti ho mujhpe" (you are crazy for me).

Bela looks elsewhere trying not to blush "Shut up.. main koi marti varti nahi hun" (I'm not crazy for you), Mahir just chuckles "Sure". They both soon arrived at their destination, Bela looks at him "broken bridge?!", Mahir just nods smiling "come let's go".

 They both soon arrived at their destination, Bela looks at him "broken bridge?!", Mahir just nods smiling "come let's go"

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Mahir takes Bela's hand in his and walks towards the end of the bridge. They both sit down looking at the sky painted all shades of orange and yellow as the sun starts setting. Bela turns towards Mahir "Why are we here Mahir", Mahir turns towards her "There is something I wanted to do since a long time.. I thought why not today".

She turns towards Mahir "And what is that", Mahir looks at Bela "I know our wedding date is already fixed.. Our parents fixed it as soon as we told them about our relationship.. and we also got engaged but I realised I didn't propose you at all.. so I thought.. why not now.."

Bela chuckles looking at him "Aww how sweet.. what if I say 'no' now..", Mahir smiles looking at her "I don't think so my teddy.. even if you do I have my ways to make you say 'yes' to my proposal"

Bela smiles "Let's see Mr.Mahir Sehgal". Mahir turns towards her and holds her hand, his eyes looking into hers "Bela you know what you mean to me.. I have always loved you❤️.. and will continue to love you❤️..

But I don't to be away from you anymore.. I want you to be with me all the time.. and that is possible once we get married.. I know we are opposites.. you are the first bencher while I'm a back bencher.. you love to stay in peace and silence while I love partying..

you love chocolates while I love strawberries.. but you know strawberries dipped in chocolate are even more delicious.. so like that I'm sure we will make an amazing couple.. If you also think so.. then we could get married teddy..

Tell me teddy will you marry me.. I promise to love you more each day of our life.. and I promise that we will have a beautiful life ahead of us.. we stayed away from eachother for 5 years.. I'll make sure that will never occur again my dear teddy.. just say that you will marry me💖.."

Mahir dark brown eyes keeps looking into Bela's jet black eyes which keep shining hearing his words. She keeps looking into Mahir's eyes which keep twinkling with the love he has for her. Mahir smiles looking at her "Answer me na teddy.. you are sitting like a statue".

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