Chapter Nine

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*Dream's pov*

Karl went up to my room to sleep. Sapnap came downstairs.

"Why did Karl walk into your room?" He asked.

"He said he couldn't sleep alone, I didn't question it." I said.

"Probably his ex y'know? Made him have nightmares." Sapnap said.

"Maybe." I said. "I feel bad for him."

"I know dream, we all do." Sapnap said. "At least he's safe with us."

"Your right, but it hurts seeing someone I love in so much pain." I said.

"Yea I know." Sapnap said.

"Do you think he likes me?" I asked.

"Maybe I don't know, I wouldn't confess, give him some time." Sapnap said. "After all he did just get out of a terrible, toxic relationship."

"Yeah I know." I said. The rest of the day was relaxing. It was now late so sapnap and I got up to go to bed. I walked in my room. I saw Karl was passed out on my bed. I moved him which kinda woke him up.

"Ugh, what?" He said sleeply.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to lay down." I said. He moved a little.

"Oh sorry." He said.

"Do you wanna change into something more comfy?" I asked. He shook his head no.

"No! Im to tired." He said. I smiled and shook my head. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

*the next morning*

I woke up to a heavy feeling on my chest. I look down seeing Karl fluffy hair close to my face. I didn't move. Afraid if I do he will wake up and move away. I looked more into how we were laying. Our legs tangled, my arms wrapped around him and his around my torso, and his head on my chest.

*Karl's pov*

I was awake the whole time I was cuddled against him. I didn't want this to end so I didn't move. Afraid he would be mad at me and let go. I tried falling back asleep but I felt as if he was awake. I acted like I was asleep. If he was awake I think he was thinking the same thing. Neither of us wanted it to end. We both stayed like that until we both ended up falling back to sleep.

*an hour later*

I woke up to giggling and flashes. I open my eyes seeing George and Sapnap.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked. I tried getting up but strong arms stopped me. I looked at them and then dream. I blushed.

"So are you gonna tell me why you slept with Dream?" George asked. I blushed at how he worded.

"Word it differently then I'll answer." I say.

"Why did you share a bed with dream last night? He offered the guest room to you!" George said.

"I was scared to sleep alone." I said.

"Ok." George said.

"Wake him up Quackity is on his plane!" Sapnap said.

*word count: 490*

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