The second day

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It was now the next day Y/N did the usual morning routine and put on a pair of black ripped jeans with a standard grey blouse then to finish her look a pair of white trainers.

Bucky pretty much ignored Y/N which didn't make her feel any better as she already thought they didn't like her much ever since the incident in the training room Bucky has been more distant.

It is 10:15 am and Morgan is staying at her grandparents until next week so Y/N went into the living room and bumped into Bucky on the way and Y/N asked,"What did I do why are you ignoring me?"
Bucky just stares at her it was more of a sad look than his usual flirty attitude.Y/N feels like she's done something wrong and just stares at the ground fiddling with her hands.

Bucky: You haven't done anything wrong I just don't know know what just..forget it.
Y/N wasn't going to give up that easy and she just felt compelled to ask him why he was being such a jerk but she didn't even try to speak. However thankfully Steve walked in and broke the tension.

Not much happened later exept steve seemed very close to Bucky yet so distant to Y/N. Finally Tony came in and called for a meeting in the living room and explained,

Tony: We are going to throw a welcoming party for our new arrival.
Y/N:You really don't have to.
Tony:No no I insist it will be at 8pm wear something fancy.

And with that Y/N,Nat and Wanda just gleamed at each other and sequel.

All three:Ahhh...DRESS SHOPPING!!!
However that idea obviously had to wait till tommorow.

*Please tell me what you think as this is my first time ever writing a story on any social media based platform. I also apologise if this part comes out later than you expect I live in the UK and I normally go asleep by now but just wanted to give people the next part bye x.*

Y/N x Bucky x SteveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt