Adventures in the Elements

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[Open on the Owl House living room. Luz is reading a pamphlet about Hexside, labeled "Hexside Facts and Trivia." It has a picture of Principal Bump on the back along with his quote, "Education is the real magic."]

Luz: King, listen to this!

King: [laying on Luz's stomach] Hey! Less ready, more scratchy!

Luz: [sits up] Sorry! Now that I'll be a student at Hexside, I wanna learn all about it! I've got a new crush, and his name is Y/N

Y/N: What was that?

[Luz Blushes]

Luz: Uh, I mean Education [Nervously Giggles]

King: [bites the pamphlet] Nyah!

Eda: [kicks the front door open] Hey freeloaders! Guess what today is?

Luz: Is it your birthday?

King: Is it my birthday?

Hooty: It's my birthday!

Y/N: Is it anyone in your family's birthday?

Eda: No! [closes front door] It's human treasure day!

[Eda tosses the Portal Door into the air. It unfolds and opens. Owlbert flies through, dragging a giant sack. The sack tears when he flips it onto the floor, revealing a pile of human garbage. The door closes.]

Eda: [hops onto the pile] Ahh, fresh garbage.

King: Ooo, gimme gimme gimme! [pulls out a teddy bear] Yes! Another worthy addition to my army of terror!

New Guy: I love cuddles and kisses!

King: Truly horrifying!

Eda: [to Luz] Yo, kid. Your trash pile's getting cold. While mine's getting hot! [pulls out a wire clothes hangar] I have never seen such an extravagant earring.

Luz: You can have my trash. Whoa! Did you know that Hexside was built on the bones of its rival school? One it literally conquered!

[Luz shows off the pamphlet, showing a picture of a much younger Principal Bump standing on various Glandus students, being cheered on by fellow Hexside students. The school burns behind them.]

Eda: [now wearing two clothing hangars as earrings and looking in a mirror] Yes I know all these things, I went there. It was the most harrowing period of my life. [to her reflection] Oh, hello.

Luz: Can you imagine it! Me, in the halls of Hexside, studying with Willow and Gus and- maybe even Amity! 

Y/N: Speaking of Amity don't we need to meet her so you can get you Azura book back?

Luz: Oh Yeah [runs out, slams door; reopens door] I love you guys!

Hooty: And I love you, Lu--!

[Luz slams the door again.]

Hooty: Aaah!

Y/N: Guess I better go follow her

[You get up and follow her]

Eda: Eh, who needs them?

King: Yeah! This bear could be our new Luz or Y/N.

New Guy: Being without you is just unbearable.

King: No! [throws New Guy] You're unbearable!

[Cut to the market.]

Luz: [running and looking around] Amity, Amity, Amity, Amity. Gotta find that- oh! [Sees the girl in question, wearing a new outfit.] 

The Owl House- Luz Noceda X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now