No. 47: Flame Blown Out

Start from the beginning

"You made me do—"

"No, sweetie, I made you spy," Augustina corrected. "I made you push the Kapoor boy. And yes, I made you bring him in—but I never made you burn him. That was your own decision, and that tells me everything I need to know."

Her voice went quiet. "You are ruthless, Augustus. It's in your blood. You will never grow past it. And you'll be staying here until you remember that."

She stood up and started to leave, then noticed the sunglasses.

Augustus lunged for them, but she got there before she did.

"Huh." Augustina peered at them. "Are these your brother's? I never realized."

She threw them back onto the floor and stabbed her heel through them.

The sound of the lenses smashing cut through Augustus in a way he didn't think they could.

They were the only tangible thing he had left of Jules. The only thing that he'd left behind. He'd been wearing them for years.

And she'd just—she'd just fucking—

"You killed Jules," he whispered.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic. It's two pieces of plastic held together with wire." Augustina walked out and looked back at him. "Get comfortable."

The bricks closed behind her until Augustus was just staring at a wall. It wasn't until he couldn't hear her footsteps anymore that his brain caught up with his body.

"No no no no NO!" Augustus screamed, slamming his hands on the wall. "Don't leave me here! Don't leave me alone! Mom, I'm sorry! MOM!"

His voice broke and he started to cry. "Mom, please... please don't... I don't wanna be alone..."


Ian threw the door to Augustina's office open, one of his hands covered in an ice gauntlet.

"Jesus Christ," she groaned, tossing a set of papers back onto her desk. "This is the second time some bratty jock teen interrupted me today."

He pointed the gauntlet at her. "Tell me where Gusty is."

Augustina raised an eyebrow. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Tell me where your son is," Ian growled, stalking closer.

She grunted and picked up another file. "Don't have one, apparently."

The ice started to spread up Ian's arm as his eyes started to change from grey to a cold blue. "What did you do with Augustus, fjandi?"

"Haven't heard that one since I spilled a cocktail on your mother's dress," Augustina said, flipping through the file. "On purpose, of course, she was being a bitch."

Ian slammed his hands on the desk, both of them now covered in ice. "I want a straight answer out of you, you heartless—"

"Oh, but nothing about you and Augustus is straight," she cut in, looking up. "Don't play the fool, Gunnar, I've seen the way you look at him and the way he looks at you." She grinned. "God, every time your parents bring up an antilegacy boy they think you'd be interested in, I have to restrain myself from telling them the truth. They're so obsessed with being 'true legacies' that they can't see what's right in front of them, can they?"

"What the fuck does it matter? Biological kids aren't in the cards for me unless we do one of those surrogate—" Ian rapidly shook his head. "You're distracting me. On purpose."

"Look, Ian, I have nothing against you and Augustus, but you could really do better," Augustina told him. "He's just a puppy trying to be an attack dog. It's honestly pathetic."

The temperature in the room dropped at least thirty degrees as ice began to spread from Ian's hands. His skin started to take on an odd blue tint.

"Okay, you can tone down the Gunnar powers—" Augustina started.

Ian grabbed her by the collar. "Listen to me, you sadistic, twisted bitch," he snarled. "Tell me where Augustus is, or I will freeze every liquid in your body, let you die a slow and painful death, and rip out whatever heart you have left. Now."

She looked him in the eye. "Take your hands off of me, and stop using your powers."

Ian jerked his hand back.

The blue drained from his body as his gauntlets melted away.

The temperature shot back up to normal.

"All right, let's have a civil conversation." Augustina placed her hands on her desk. "He came in here claiming to be the traitor, and unfortunately, a truth test proved him to be right. But I still think you had something to do with it."

"Why?" Ian asked calmly.

"You're a bad influence," she said matter-of-factly. "You always have been. You've been getting Augustus into trouble since the day you two met, and now you've convinced him to turn his back on his family."

"Ah." Ian nodded. "So you see me as a devilish boy who has infected your perfect child soldier, and you're forbidding me from seeing him, is that it?"

"As far as you're concerned, he's dead," Augustina snapped. "He's dead, and you're not getting him back. Now get the fuck out of my office."

"What did you do to him?" Ian demanded.

"WHAT did I FUCKING SAY?!" she screamed, standing up as she slammed her hands against her desk. "GET OUT OF MY OFFICE! NOW! BEFORE I USE MY POWERS!"

After a few seconds, Ian took a deep breath—and spat on Augustina's face.

She stared after him in shock as he spun on his heel and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

A/N: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I gain strength from your tears here enjoy this Calvin Candid of my demon wearing my mom's slippers that I saved for this very occasion

A/N: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I gain strength from your tears here enjoy this Calvin Candid of my demon wearing my mom's slippers that I saved for this very occasion

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Isn't he cute?

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