9 - Link: A Place to Call Home

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Link drank in the house's new appearance. The exterior was beautified with trees, flowers, a pond, and a sign with his name on it. Stepping through the door, he admired the furniture that was neatly placed for him, as well as the mounts on the wall for his equipment. He approached the wall that held the weapon mounts and placed just one weapon there — the Lightscale Trident, Mipha's beloved weapon. There was no way he could bring himself to use and destroy the beautiful trident — not yet, anyway — so proudly displaying it here seemed like the right option for now.

"A house, huh?"

The familiar voice made Link scoff as he turned to face the sorceress standing behind him. It was strange seeing her inside of a building for once, where there was no wind whatsoever to move her normally billowing cloak around. Without it, the bottom of her long blue cloak hung by her ankles, nearly touching the wooden floor. "I was wondering if you'd show your face today."

Raven shrugged. "You seemed busy, so I was merely waiting for the show to finish." A small smile spread across her lips as she glanced around, taking it all in. "It gives off a very homey feeling."

He smiled, too. "I thought it might be nice to have a place to call home, to have something I can say, for a fact, is mine."

An unseen switch in her flipped at that, and a cloudiness appeared in her eyes, affecting her drooping smile as well. "A place to call home, huh..."

Her swift change of mood caused a pause in the conversation, as Link wasn't sure what to say to lift the suddenly dampened mood. After a moment of hesitation, he risked asking, quietly, "You haven't had a place to call home in a while, either, have you?"

A slight shake of her head was all the confirmation he needed. Asking her to wait there, he hurried out the door, not looking back to answer her confusion when she called after him. He hurried to find where Bolson had run off to, mounting his horse to move faster.

When he finally caught up with the man, he whistled to get his attention. Slowing to a stop next to him and Karlson, he was quick to ask the question on his mind. The two men glanced at each other before nodding and finding a way to comply with his request.

Raven, to say the least, was pleasantly surprised when she saw Bolson and Karlson walk into the house, carrying a bed on the shoulders — evident from the way her eyes lit up. However, when they exchanged it with the bed that had already been installed, her confusion returned, and the moment they had left, her accusing eyes immediately turned to Link for an explanation.

Link averted his eyes, scratching the back of his neck as he said, "I asked if there was any way they could install a second bed for your sake, but they said the most they'd be able to do was offer me a bigger bed to fit two..." He sighed, heat rushing to his cheeks simply for admitting that truth. "I promise I'm not lying; this was not what I had in mind. They insisted that there just wasn't enough space in here to house two unless they replaced the bed with a bigger one."

"I believe you."

"You do?" His widened eyes met hers, and the gentle look in her golden-amber eyes was unmistakable.

"I do. Honestly, I don't really mind it too much; simply the fact that you thought of doing this for me is enough to warm my heart," she said, smiling at him. "Thank you."

"Of course. Everyone deserves someplace to call home." He shrugged as he added, "I figured this was the least I could do for you, for now, at least."

"I appreciate it, Link. I really do." She paused to smirk and added, "Besides, it's not like we haven't slept that close together before anyway."

Link playfully rolled his eyes, and even though the reminder made his cheeks heat up, he joked, "What a very Raven-like thing to say."

They exchanged friendly smiles, laughing, and Link took the silence after that as an opportunity to shift the conversation elsewhere. "Are you hungry?"

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