Storyshift!Chara x reader

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This was requested by Charisk195

Normal = talking

Italics = 3rd person

Underlined = thoughts

It's a totally normal day for you, you woke up, went to school did all the usual stuff, and now you're sitting in you room playing a game on your computer

Y/N: I'm kinda tired, I wonder what time it is

You glance at your clock

Y/N: 3am!?

Y/N: ...

You turn of your computer, and go to bed

You fell asleep quickly, because it's 3am and your tired

You wake up

You see you're in your house

Y/N: !?

You look around, It looks like sans's house

Y/N: what the heck is This!? Why am I in sans's house!?

You look around more, it's not quiet sans's house, the bone painting is a cookie painting instead, and there are no dirty socks to be found, there's also a flowerpot with buttercups in it

Upon closer inspection, it appears the cookie in the cookie painting is very burnt and horribly deformed, you wonder how you didn't see it the first time 

While your were busy looking at the burnt cookie painting a door opened

??? Hello

You turn around and see a girl

You stared at her in confusion for a few seconds 

Y/N: who are you? and where am I?

??? I'm Chara, Your in my house, and you're here because my brother found you unconscious in the snow

Y/N: unconscious in the snow?!

Chara you don't know how you got there?

Y/N: No

Chara gave you a weird look

Chara: that's weird

Y/N: Yeah, I went to bed normally, and now I wake up here

Chara: really?

Y/N yes

Chara in all the timelines I've ever seen this has never happened before, I wonder if frisk is somehow involved, I should ask if he knows her

Chara: do you know someone called Frisk?

She looked angry when she said Frisk

Y/N: no, what do they look like?

Chara: she looks a lot  like me, darker hair blue eyes a bit shorter, ware's a blue sweater with two purple stripes

Y/N: nope, never seen her, do you have a problem with her? you looked quite angry when you said her name

Chara: I hate her

Y/N: Why?

Chara: it's a long story. . .

AU Chara and Frisk x male reader Oneshots Requests (closed)Where stories live. Discover now