Friendly Face

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"Tommy wake up! I see you are hurt and I want to help!" I hear in pitch darkness. Then I see a glowing light in the distance. Someone steps out and I see it's Tubbo and he says to me. "Come home please." I begin to feel my eyelids flutter to open to only see my friend in a yellow sweater named Ghostbur. I start to cry. I want to go home, L'manburg is my home. I want to go home so badly but I am banished here.
    "Tommy, are you okay? I am sorry if I scared you, here is some blue!" He passes me some blue without trying to touch my tears. I hold it to my chest and start to rub my tears away with my arms. I stare at Ghostbur for a moment. Just thinking about past Wilbur. The one who exploded L'manburg. My best friend. My brother. Family does messed-up things with your heart with a smile. He has hurt me in the past but Ghostbur is different from him. Ghostbur has a heart.
    "Thanks Ghostbur." I say nodding my head and hold the blue and stare into it. Ghostbur is the warmth in this pitch dark place.
    "Ghostbur, me and your other part of you, have gone through a lot. We have seen a nation we built from the ground up, become dust, then eventually I saw it rebuilt and now torn away from me. One of the founders of the country, now I am just part of history." I say while looking at the sand of this island I have been banished to. Isolated from the other side of my home.
    "I am sorry that I am not that part of me anymore." He says sadly. Ghostbur uses facial expressions to show how he feels because the tears burn his skin.
              "You can't control that Ghostbur, just stay being you." I say with a half of a smile and a tinge of guilt.
               "Alrighty Tommy, I need to head off and meet up with Tubbo very quickly... actually I have something quickly to give you."
Ghostbur says while pulling something silver out of his almost  transparent beige pants.
                "This, Tommy, is a compass. It points in the direction of Tubbo at all times. No matter where you are, you can know where Tubbo is at all times. I know you care about him, Tommy." He says while passing me the silver compass with a cover engraved with "Your Tubbo." I start to tear up a bit.
                 "Thanks Ghostbur." Is all I can manage. Ghostbur starts to slowly walk away.

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