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(N. ken-op-see-ah) - the eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.

September 5th, 2002

"Stop! You're going to ruin my dress before I even get to wear it out!" I huff at my older brother.

"Don't be so dramatic, you don't even know if this is the one mom is going to buy for you," he lifted the dress high enough so I couldn't reach.

"But it's the one I want, so I'm going to get it,"

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yes." I stomp my foot down and cross my arms, there was nothing that was going to keep me from getting this dress. The midnight blue top that faded into a sea of stars at the bottom. It was perfect for mum's Christmas dance, and I will be attending this year. Even if I had to take down my brother to do it.

Before I can try to jump to reach the dress again, he tosses it into a pile of dresses across the store. But someone catches it midair. No, nothing catches it, it just floats there. Where am I? What's going on?

"Adara?" The blonde boy, my brother, says. The world starts shaking.

"Adara!" I sit up. My eyesight disappears as colours dan- ce around in place of my vision.

"Are you alright? You were talking and screaming, and goin' on about how some idiot stole ya' dress?" Alina is sitting on top of me breathing up my nose. "Anyways, you gotta get up, it's the last day in Dufftown,"


"Seriously? Dufftown, where you was workin' the job?"

"Job, oh right. Sorry, still stuck in my dream, what were we planning on doing today again?" Alina gets off my chest and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Alright. Well first we gotta sign out of our hotel, then we were planning on following those creepy railroad tracks to the ruins those guys told us about, 'member?"

"Yeah, I remember now. Is it wet out?"

"A little, but nothing too bad. Plus we're finally gonna get out of this stingy place, what could go wrong?"

"Considering we're climbing abandoned railroad tracks, I think a lot could go wrong."

"Maybe, but with Jupe there, nothing could go wrong. They've got everything planned. They even got an old map with the tracks on 'em, now we know where we're headed."

"Where are the others?" I ask, finally standing up.

"Getting breakfast, hurry up and pack." Alina starts grabbing my bags and shoving my loose clothes into them. Before she can take my outfit for the day I get changed, do my hair, and brush my teeth. When I'm done getting ready, she's done packing.

"Right, finally ready to head out?" She asks, passing me my bag. I take a long look around what's been my home for the past month. I don't think I've ever been happier to leave.

"Definitely," I nod my head slightly as though to confirm my decision. We walk out, closing the door behind us.


"Why is it so cold here?" Alina shivers and zips up her jacket even higher. We've been walking for two hours now, and it feels like we're going in circles.

"How much farther?" Faye asks, dragging his feet behind him.

"Are we even getting anywhere?" I question, tugging up my gloves.

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