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Name: Layla Usman Braksi


Mother : Julia Rockson

Father: Hakim Usman Braksi

Sisters: Zuma and Zahra
Brother:Sultan Braksi

Cousins : Leo , Tobi, Juliet Walker, Samira Braksi

Workplace:Cairo museam
Profession: archeology

Abilities:Control of Elements, Teleportation, Healing.

Hobbies:Anceint Egypt, Cooking and Reading.

Descendant of Nut.

Age :21

Zodiac sign: Pisces ♓

Friends: Ramses , Hyksos ,Horus, Kha, Neith, Apis, Iside, Bes, Osiride.

Partner ( as in love interest):Kefer

Enemy : Anubi , Thoth, Knaut, Hatanor, Exaton.

Languages she speaks:Arabic,English

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