chapter six

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after i had came home from by ryan i went to bed i was angry and i felt fustrated. mathew and my brother asked if i was okay but i was far from that but i didn't want to talk about it so i just lied and said that i was just tired and that am going to bed.

weeks had gone by since by encounter with ryan but nothing seemed to change just the fact that he acted as if nothing happened and i didn't bring up the topic either. it was already friday and my cousin ashly was coming to stay with me and my brother for a few days . i liked to hang out with her but she was alittle too wild. when my last class for the day was over i took my things and went to my locker and packed my books into it, i felt a presence beside me and i already new who it was.

hey mathew, you ready?i asked.

yh, so where are we going my house or your's he asked.

well i have to go home my cousin is coming to stay a few days with us.

two questiones. is it a girl and if yes is she hot?

yes and yes i stated.

well this is gonna be exciting.

while i was walking out of the school entrance to go to mathew's car i collided with something hard, when i looked up i saw that it was mr.parks he was holding me by my waist so that i didn't fall and those arms were nice and musculer,i felt the familier tingles in my spine. i saw that we were getting a few stares from people so i distanced myself away from him.

am sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going.

can you tell your brother that i'll check him later my mom's in town so i've been alittle busy, mr.parks said.

ok, i'll do that. i answered back.

lola i heard mathew call and i new it was him because he wanted to give me a nickname and that's what he came up with. 

me and ryan looked over to were he was and i saw hin there looking annoyed but he wasn't alone,brianna was standing next to him with her barbi doll crew right behind her.

well bye i have to go. i said to ryan.

i walked straight to the passenger seat of mathew's car and i did not fail to miss the nasty eye that i got from brianna when i got into the car, mathew doing the same in the drivers seat. he backed out of the school's parking lot and drove straight to my house.

sorry i had to interupt your moment with your mister hottie but i couldn't stand brianna any longer, mathew said.

well that's now hard to beleive since you two have hooked up as you call it a few times. i replied

well i was drunk those times and i rely didn't care about the matter but now i do, now stop reminding me of my stupidity.

well correct me if i'm wrong but i thought that it's what friends are for, i said in a joking mather.

when mathew pulled up in the parking lot i saw that my brother's car was already parked outside which mean't that ashley was here already.

i got out the car and walked to the door with mathew right beside me. when i opened the door i could already hear my cousin's voice from inside. 

i followed the sound of her voice and walked into the kitchen.

i saw lucas cooking and ashley talking to my brother while texting on the phone.

hey ashley,i said getting both their attention.

chloe, my baby cousin it's so nice to see you, ashley said while she got out of her seat and gave me a bear hug and i hugged her back.

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