chapter three

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i got up earlier this morning and got ready so that we had enough time to spare. when i got down stairs i was surprised to see that my brother had done the same and was already for work, we eat breakfast and i washed the dishes,then in five minutes we were on the road.

chloe, i we got a big sale at work that i have to manage today, said lucas.

wait so are you going to be late again today, i asked.

well, actualy,i won't be picking you up today, i asked ryan to give you a ride and for him to stay or you to stay with him until i get home.

ok,but am still gonna keep the house keys, i said just before the car came to a stop at the school's entrance,i said goodbye to my brother and made my way to my locker.

when i got to my locker i saw mathew standing their,typing on his phone.

ahhmm will you excuse me,i need to get my books from my locker.

yeah sorry, said mathew just as he moved from my locker.

i took the books that i needed and closed my locker.

hey where were you yesterday after lunch? i asked mathew.

oh i forgot to tell you,i had to go practise again.

was kaleb there?i asked 

you mean your boyfriend who you haven't seen in three months,no he wasn't their.

that's not his fault ,he just haven't gotten the time to visit yet.

we started walking together and without warning i was being lifted in the air.

mathew,put me down,i screeched with my voice.

you know am sorry ok, i didn't mean to upset you, i just don't like seeing you like this and your realy heavy, mathew said while putting me back on my feet.

apology accepted and that's what you get for lifting me up. i saw mr.parks look at us with an angry look on his face,while he walked past us with miss stevens.

you know i keep wondering if those two are dating or their just hooking up. said mathew.

the though of ryan and miss stevens did't sit right with me but i just let that feeling go and looked at mathew with a scowl on my face, that's nasty to be thinking about, i replied.

oh come on am sure am not the only one who thinks that, or maybe she just likes him. ok enough talking lets go to class, i dragged mathew along with me because we both had math for first period.

when the bell rang i went to my locker and packed up my books and me and mathew walked into the cafeteria together.

aren't you going to sit next to your friends. i asked.

i am siting next to my friend.

not me i meant your other friends.

yes i know what you mean and no,am not gonna let you sit here by yourself,so suck it up and stopped trying to send me away.

i'm not trying to send you away,i told him with a smile on my face.

we eat lunch and he told me jokes to get me to laugh and i did. when lunch was finished we threw away our trash and left our trays on the table,then i went to my locker and mathew went to his, we had different last periods.

i took my h.s.b book and went to class, for our class period we had to pair up in groups of three to complete a test paper which we were also required to do a project on.

after our two periods were up i took my things and went to my locker. i took out my books for next two periods which were social studies.

 i got excited when i heard the bell to over school had rang, i took up my books and went to my locker.

hey where are you going now? asked mathew.

well am going to ryan's class room i have to do something their.

hmm, first name bacis already,is their something your not telling me?

i could fell the blood rushing to my cheeks as i realized what i said and exactly what mathew meant.

just shut up an get going.

ok i'll walk you their and then get going.

we walked to the class in perfect silence, when we came to a stop in front of mr.parks classroom mathew kissed me on my cheeks and we said our goodbyes.

i knocked twice on the door then opened it, i saw mr.parks siting by his desk and he was looking dead at me with his peircing brown eyes that seemed as if he was looking right through me. but he didn't look happy at all infact he looked tense.

mr.parks. are you ok.

yeah am fine, we'll leave in a minute i just need you to help me get some boxes from in the storage room,he said with a strain in his voice.

yeah ok.i put my bag down on one of the desk and went to the storage room with mr.parks, he showed me where the boxes were and i took them out and he carried them back to the class room,their was one more box but it was to the top of the cupboared, i climded up on the cupboard and took i box,i dropped it on the ground and just as i was about to climb back down i lost my footing and fell,i was holding my breath,ready to feel the hard impact of the fall, but it never came,instead i felt myself being enveloped in stong arms, i felt jolts of electrical sparks from the contact but i egnored the feeling as i felt my heart beating fastly in my chest.

i held on to mr.parks as he put me to stand on my feet, i was about to let go when he took his hand and tucked some loose hair behind my ear, my heart rate excelerated even higher if that was possible.

he passed his hand on my cheeks and went right down to my lips,in that moment i felt nervous. the space between us was getting thin every moment he brought his face closer to mine, just as his lips slightly grazed against mine i heard someone knocking on the door, with great force i pushed myself away from him. mr.parks looked at me and before he left the room i noticed that his eyes had been alittle darker that its ordinary color.

after Mr parks left what was going through my mind was what in heavens just happened,  i have a boyfriend for heaven sake and why did i wish that we weren't interrupted.

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